Health Blogs ~~
I have done a lot of research concerning specific topics on various health issues. They are all in my Blog, but I am putting a list of them here for your ready reference. I hope you find them helpful.
I don't know how many or if you got the Covid Jab back during 2020 when it was being pushed on all of us. As for Jim and me, we did not get the Jab. We were very leery of it and did not trust Fauci or any of the doctors pushing it. That being said, I did some research on the Jab; what is actually is and what it is doing to the American public even today. What is going on with the Covid Jab?
A friend of ours asked me about health, in general. That prompted me to do a blog on Staying Healthy into Your 70s and Beyond. I touch on many topics in this blog, from food, diet, exercise, mammograms, blood pressure, etc.
Along with that blog, I also did research on the Importance of Your Thyroid and What Alcohol Does to Your Body.
At one time Jim's doctor wanted to put him on statins because he thought Jim's cholesterol was too high. I told him that under no circumstances would Jim ever go on a statin. They are one of the most dangerous drugs being pushed on the American public. So, I did a blog on The Truth of Cholesterol & Statins. If you or anyone you know are on a statin, I hope that reading this blog with cause you to stop taking it and realize how dangerous they are.
During 2022 Jim's PSA started heading up to a point where his doctor had him get a biopsy. The doctor who did it (through the anus) we believe contaminated his scrotum because he ended up with a very severe testicular infection. After that cleared up, his PSA kept going up so after he got a new doctor, we also got a new urologist. The second urologist did a biopsy by putting his feet in stirrups and used a probe directly into the prostate. This came back positive, and in October of 2024 Jim went through prostate radiation. I did a blog on Jim's Prostate Cancer and Alternative Cancer Methods.
I have also done some miscellaneous blog posts on topics that I find interesting. One is on lighting and how it effects people -- LED v. Fluorescent v. Incandescent.
Another is on DSMO, what it is and how it cures eye, ear, nose, throat, and dental diseases.
Neck and Back exercises to relieve pain. Written by a chiropractor, I offer them as a suggestion if you suffer from neck and back pain. The other post I have is just another person who offers exercises to remove pain.
I have done a lot of research concerning specific topics on various health issues. They are all in my Blog, but I am putting a list of them here for your ready reference. I hope you find them helpful.
I don't know how many or if you got the Covid Jab back during 2020 when it was being pushed on all of us. As for Jim and me, we did not get the Jab. We were very leery of it and did not trust Fauci or any of the doctors pushing it. That being said, I did some research on the Jab; what is actually is and what it is doing to the American public even today. What is going on with the Covid Jab?
A friend of ours asked me about health, in general. That prompted me to do a blog on Staying Healthy into Your 70s and Beyond. I touch on many topics in this blog, from food, diet, exercise, mammograms, blood pressure, etc.
Along with that blog, I also did research on the Importance of Your Thyroid and What Alcohol Does to Your Body.
At one time Jim's doctor wanted to put him on statins because he thought Jim's cholesterol was too high. I told him that under no circumstances would Jim ever go on a statin. They are one of the most dangerous drugs being pushed on the American public. So, I did a blog on The Truth of Cholesterol & Statins. If you or anyone you know are on a statin, I hope that reading this blog with cause you to stop taking it and realize how dangerous they are.
During 2022 Jim's PSA started heading up to a point where his doctor had him get a biopsy. The doctor who did it (through the anus) we believe contaminated his scrotum because he ended up with a very severe testicular infection. After that cleared up, his PSA kept going up so after he got a new doctor, we also got a new urologist. The second urologist did a biopsy by putting his feet in stirrups and used a probe directly into the prostate. This came back positive, and in October of 2024 Jim went through prostate radiation. I did a blog on Jim's Prostate Cancer and Alternative Cancer Methods.
I have also done some miscellaneous blog posts on topics that I find interesting. One is on lighting and how it effects people -- LED v. Fluorescent v. Incandescent.
Another is on DSMO, what it is and how it cures eye, ear, nose, throat, and dental diseases.
Neck and Back exercises to relieve pain. Written by a chiropractor, I offer them as a suggestion if you suffer from neck and back pain. The other post I have is just another person who offers exercises to remove pain.