April 3, 2020. We left Tres Rios last Tuesday, and are still planning on heading back this coming Tuesday. Have not gone anywhere of substance. I went to Brookshire’s and Dollar Store looking for toilet paper, and they were both out. Then I went to the Post Office to mail Jacklyn’s pillow and ottoman covers back to her.
Thousand Trails has posted that they are not taking any new reservations until April 30, and will not allow people to go park to park. We are scheduled to come back here April 28, so I don’t know if they will let us in or not, seeing how it’s only two days earlier. If not, we may just have to stay at Tres Rios.
The country is still going through a crazy type of lock down, but the talking heads are very concerned about what it’s doing to the economy. As am I sure we lost a lot of money with the stock market going down. It does worry me as this virus does not look like it’s letting up any time soon. Experts say we have not hit the peak yet.
Media talks about this being the “new normal.” Give me a break. This is not normal. I recall Obama saying that about the economy when he left office and thankfully Trump came along with lift us out of that doldrum. I think the Democrats are almost glad things are going downhill; maybe they think people will vote Dem in the fall so they can “fix” the economy. No way will that happen. I think Trump will win again, because if he does not, this country will really be done.
Won’t have much to do once we get back to Tres Rios though as Rene had the clubhouse and Lodge locked shut so there is no entry into them. So, no cards and no pool.
April 9, 2020. We arrived back here at Tres Rios on April 7 for three weeks. People are coming in and going out with no problem. The only thing is that the buildings are still locked. We have decided to play cards under the pavilion, keeping arms-length between us as we play.
I also made us reservations to stay at the Coast to Coast Whitney Resorts for one week and then back to Tres Rios for the month of May.
The whole corona virus pandemic is causing drastic unemployment and businesses shutting down. From what I have been reading, this is all a plan by the democrats to get Trump out of office. They knew about the virus back in November as they were pushing the impeachment. There is so much Deep State stuff going on, it’s hard to fathom.
Still walking the dogs and talking to neighbors. Not going to stay in the RV to stay away from people.
April 14, 2020. Decided to go to Walmart on Tuesday instead of Monday. Seems the shelves were a little more stocked today – I actually got two dozen eggs and a package of toilet paper. Even though I have three packages of RV Toilet paper, I still got a package of Northern.
Also, my new keyboard came today. I spilled water on the last one and it stopped working. I was glad that we still had Jim’s wireless keyboard so I was able to use that the past couple of weeks until my new one arrived. I got it all hooked up and tried to get it working, and nothing. Then I remembered that I forgot to connect the data plug and after I hooked that up, it works good. I had to do an update on the computer though, and I am wondering how much longer my computer is going to last. It does some crazy things sometimes; and sometimes it is just sooo slow. I did order two Sandisks that are 2TB each so I am going to put everything on it as I don’t want to worry about my computer crashing.
April 24, 2020. Jim had his final appointment with Dr. Wroten, who did his duputryen’s surgery. He was very happy with Jim’s hand and the progress it is making. He said the scar tissue will go away eventually, it just takes a few months before it will be more normal.
The country is still in much of a lock down, or stay at home. Some states have a lot of the corona virus, and others have virtually none. President Trump has set out steps to open the country back up, which needs to be done. People want to go back to work; unemployment has skyrocketed, and businesses and farmers are hurting badly. Hospitals are laying off staff due to no elective surgeries. So what is going to happen? They are trying to keep people alive by shutting the country down; but now people may die due to no surgery. It is really terrifying how bad things are right now. It is becoming a worse recession than 2008; and it may turn into a deflation, which is even worse.
To top everything off, the House is now setting up a committee to investigate President Trump into his handling of the virus. They never give up trying to get rid of him. Just let the man do his job.
There is a new movement sweeping the world with the name of Q. Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q? Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it’s inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.
Q first appeared in October 2012 on an anonymous online forum called 4Chan, posting messages that implied top-clearance knowledge of upcoming events. More than 3,000 messages later, Q has created a disturbing, multi-faceted portrait of a global crime syndicate that operates with impunity. Q’s followers in the QAnon community faithfully analyze every detail of Q’s drops.
I am scared that if Trump does not win again in November, this country will be setting itself up for socialism, and with that will come a civil war within the country, because the followers of Q and those loyal to the country will not stand for socialism.
So right now as we wait for the country to open back up again, we are moving between Lake Whitney and Tres Rios. We cannot go back to the Thousand Trails this week out as they have closed all of their parks to new reservations until May 1, and we are heading out on April 28. So, we will be staying at the Coast to Coast park which is right next door to the Thousand Trails. Then we will be back to Tres Rios for the month of May.
Jim has one more doctor’s appointment in May with Dr. Bhatti, who will evaluate his C-pap experience.
May 2, 2020. Arrived at Whitney Resorts, a Coast to Coast resort, on Tuesday. We have never camped here before as we usually went to the Thousand Trails next door. This place is pretty much out in the open with hardly any trees, so when the wind blows, and it has been blowing a lot, there is no wind break. At least at the Thousand Trails there are so many trees, they cut the wind pretty good.
But so far it’s not bad here; at least Jim can ride his trike. The roads are long and flat. This park is huge and there is a lot of places to ride. Our friends from Tres Rios, Ed & Nancy, bought a lot here. We visited with them the first day we got here, and I went and visited with them today while riding around.
Denise from Tres Rios called me just before I was heading out for my bike ride to tell us that our friend Dub had died from a massive heart attack last night. He had left Tres Rios the day after we did to go to his daughter’s house. He was a heavy drinker, drinking from morning to night. He had lost his wife a couple of years ago to cancer and enjoyed going out dancing and spending winters in Rockport, Texas with Cowboy and another man. I stopped by Ed & Nancy’s house on my bike ride and as they were sitting out front, I stopped by to talk with them. They had known Dub for around 10 years, ever since they bought into OCP.
Jim is taking it kind of hard; he was just beginning to know Dub better and spend time with him, and now he won’t be able to.
May 7, 2020. It’s been a crazy, hectic week. We went to Fun Town RV on Sunday afternoon to try and find some stuff. Kerry works there now and we got to see him for a bit and get a tour of the facility. It is huge; they have two places for RVs. One where they come in and get checked out, and then they are moved to the showroom for display and sale. They also have a big store for buying stuff.
It was pretty hot that day and we left the dogs in the truck. Got back to the camp later in time for their afternoon walk, which has been around the golf course. Day before was a hot walk and Hayley trotted along behind me, panting a lot so I stopped in the shade of trees to let her rest. Sunday, Hayley was acting funny, always standing and panting a lot. Did not think anything of it, and so I took them into the woods where it was cooler. I guess come Monday she was still acting funny, but she was eating and doing her business. Jim sat up with her Monday night as she just wanted to stand in the yard and walk around with the wind in her face.
Tuesday morning (May 5) I took them for a walk, and she was still panting heavily and her hind legs did not seem to work quite right. She did pee and poop but I decided to take her back to the trailer as weather was coming in and I did not want to get stuck in the rain. She did not walk back well and collapsed once, but I did get her back. Then took Lucy out by herself. When I got back to the trailer, Hayley was sitting half way on the couch with her head and front legs down toward the floor. She seemed to want to go outside again so I took her out and she immediately collapsed onto the ground. She tried standing up and collapsed again. I called for Jim and he came out to put her bed down and I was able to get her onto that. We covered her up and I called the vets to make an appointment. When she was laying on her bed, her legs got very stiff and she made whimpering noises. I thought she was going to die right then and there on me.
We thought she was poisoned, but could not figure out where that would have happened.
The only vet that would see her was Terry Vet in Glen Rose. So we piled her in the truck, left Lucy at the trailer, and drove to Glen Rose. I sat in the back of the truck with Hayley and she recovered enough that she was half sitting up and tried to get up but I would not let her stand. But she was still panting very heavily.
When we got to the vets they came out immediately to look at her, the Vet Tech picked her up and carried her into the exam room, took her temperature and blood pressure. Her temperature was 95, which is very low for a dog as it’s supposed to be around 101. They tried getting blood but her veins were collapsed but they finally got some.
We decided to leave her there while we went back to Whitney to pack up. It was our last day of our week out, and since the vet was in Glen Rose, we wanted to get back to Tres Rios. The manager and owner were very nice at Whitney and said if we needed to stay, that was no problem. Then when we got back to Tres Rios, everyone was asking about Hayley since they did not see her. I had already texted Pat and Rhonda to let them know what was going on.
After we got set up we went over to the vets about 3:30 to pick Hayley up and find out what was going on. They said she was in and out all afternoon, her temperature barely went up even though she was on a heating pad and covered up; her blood pressure was all over the place as well. Dr. Terry said she was having seizures. So we talked about what to do in terms of medication to help her through the seizures. Don’t know why she all of a sudden was getting seizures; it just happens in older dogs. Talked to a few other people there and their dogs also had seizures but they were helped with medication.
So while we were waiting, Dr. Terry came out and said that she had a mal seizure and was unresponsive. We went back to see her and she was comatose with her tongue hanging out and barely breathing. They took her to the exam room and placed her on a heating pad and covered her up. But by then it was too late; they said she would not recover from this seizure. Her eyes were open, tongue still hanging out and taking deep breaths every so often. But she was still unresponsive and comatose. So we stayed with her, petting and talking to her. They did not know how long she would last like this and it was getting on 6pm and time to go home. There would be no one to watch her throughout the night.
So we made the decision to have them euthanize her; we did not want her to suffer any more than she was. This was very hard for Jim & I. She was totally healthy last week, and then all of a sudden she goes downhill and that’s the end. She is going to be cremated and we are having a paw print made.
Lucy has just been wandering around looking for Hayley. She got up Wednesday morning and went to the bed under the table looking for her, as she did every morning for the past 8 years. They have been companions since we got Lucy in 2011 and they have never been apart. Lucy has not eaten breakfast for the past two days, but at least did eat dinner last night. But she still seems to be looking and waiting for Hayley to come home. She sits outside all day waiting.
Jim said we should get Lucy a playmate, but I’m not so sure about another dog in the trailer. These two were the best and I don’t want to have to train another dog to stay in the trailer, not chew it up, and not jump out of the truck when we leave them someplace. So for now, it’s just going to be the three of us.
Decided last week to do a blog on a tribute to our pets that we have had throughout the years, since we got together back in 1977.
Got a beautiful card from one of the couples here who camp near us and talk to us a lot. Don’t even know them very well, but they gave us a card anyway – Mike and Mary. They have a Pace Arrow motorhome, turquoise in color.
The country is slowly starting to reopen even through the virus is still around, but lots of doctors are saying it’s a lot like a bad flu season. There are millions of people out of work, and other things are starting to kill people. Underlying conditions, even suicide and who knows what else.
Josh said they are still planning on going to the beach house in June that they head to every year. They already have their plane tickets and the house rented.
I plan on starting to travel at the end of May. I am doing an itinerary, so I hope it works out.
May 14, 2020. Heard from Jacklyn on Mother’s Day – she is flying into Houston on May 28 for a week. So, we are going to go down as well for the week. I think we will try that new RV Resort just down the street from Josh. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s a PA, and that will save us some money. Plus, we won’t have to drive ½ hour to get back to the campground. We will then come back to Tres Rios for a week before heading out on vacation.
Lucy seems to be getting over the loss of Hayley. I don’t know that I am; I still think about her all the time. We are now waiting on the vet to call with her paw print. I am trying to socialize Lucy more and more with other dogs in the park. One in particular is a new friend’s (RuthAnn) dog named Ginger. She’s part Red Heeler and they love to run and play.
Finally got our stimulus check – it got mailed instead of direct deposit. We also got a bunch of supplies for Jim’s C-pap. I need to call them and make sure we are not going to be getting any more soon as they sent 4 each of the nose guards and disposable filters.
My thyroid medication was changed to 75mg a couple of months ago, and I just went and had another blood test and now my TSH is under 2. That’s quite a change from over 4. So they are keeping me at the 75mg dosage for now.
May 17, 2020. Had a terrible storm Friday night. The weather seemed to come from three directions – west, north and northeast. The rain came down in buckets and the wind was horrible. I did not put up enough things but luckily only the tarp blew away, but we recovered that. One of Jim’s flags on his trike came off and broke the zip tie. I even got out of bed to help him lower the north end of the awning because the wind was so strong. Lucy could not settle down and kept going from the bed to the living room.
Then it rained all day Saturday; not hard but a drizzle all day. At least Sunday dawned bright and sunny. It will be warm and sunny for the next week.
Bill Mars called today to let us know that his mom passed away. They had taken her out of the place she was staying to stay at Barb’s house. Bill had been there for two months helping to take care of her.
May 26, 2020. We had moved from one site forward to site 88 because the other one was just all mud when it rained. Site 88 was nice grass so I did not put our rug back out. Lucy sure enjoyed having all the grass.
Today was our last day of our three weeks at Tres Rios and as Jim was taking the electric apart, discovered that the cord welded itself to the inlet. The electric went out one evening and Jim & I went to reset the braker; it was very loose. Then a couple of days ago the power surged out and then came right back on. I wonder if either of these events caused our electric to weld together. This has happened more than I like at Tres Rios. We have replaced numerous cords. I think now we will need to invest in an EMS. Our trip to Bennett’s to buy a new inlet and cord was over $100.
We left Tres Rios about 2:30 and got to Brazos RV in Caldwell just after 5pm. When we get back next week we will have to change the floor flange on the toilet. The screw keeps coming loose and I am afraid to tighten it too much and I don’t want to break the fix I have there now.
May 28, 2020. Arrived in Houston yesterday and soon after a terrible storm blew through. We were doubtful if we were going to make it to Josh’s house, but then the storm blew through and the weather cleared. We went over later in the afternoon and he cooked salmon on his grill for dinner. Jacklyn had arrived early that morning, and it was really nice seeing her again.
The campground, Jetstream, is only 3.5 miles from Josh’s house, with a lot of concrete and a small grassy area next to the site. The pool was nice, good size with chairs and one table with awning. They even had a shallow area with concrete chairs built into it to sit down in the water. They have corn hole, large fire pit, picnic tables, and grills for the guests to use.
We did not do much of anything while there. Josh and Jacklyn came over Friday afternoon so Jason & Ellie could go swimming. They had a blast in the pool and wore themselves out running and playing. They needed the exercise after being cooped up in the house and yard for so long. Karen came later in the afternoon. Josh wanted to cook out at the campground and brought over food to cook. Karen also brought over s’mores fixings. I finally got the fire pit going and we had s’mores for dessert.
June 30, 2020. Ellie had black belt testing in the morning, which lasted for about 1-1/2 hours. She was pretty tired after that. But unfortunately that night she got a fever and it did not let up for the rest of the time we were there. That meant that they could not come over to the campground anymore for swimming. We just went over to their house every afternoon to visit. Jacklyn took me out clothes shopping one afternoon. We went Target and then Old Navy and I got some nice shirts and a pair of shorts.
While we were there the piece I had fixed on the toilet flange broke completely and the toilet wobbled in place, so I knew that we really had to fix it when we got back to Tres Rios.
June 7, 2020. Replacing the toilet flange took us two full days. Boy am I ever tired and sore from crawling all over the floor. It took me a while to get the old rusty screws out, but I eventually did. From there I noticed that the wood holding the flange were four small pieces so I pulled them out. They were all rotten and had to be replaced. So trip no. 1 to Lowes to buy 1 by to replace those pieces. I pulled out more rotted wood, which was probably the subfloor. I then put the fan in there to try and dry out the rest of the wood. Most of it got dry but it went far back under the insulation on top of the black tank, so I just put Minwax wood hardener in it and slathered it all in as best I could. The stuff is supposed to seep into the wood and make it hard.
We then cut the pieces to replace the ones I took out. Needed ½” at the bottom to replace the subfloor, then 1” pieces on top of those; latticed and glued together. I then put the flange in to see how much space was under it and decided that we needed another 1” piece under the wall side. After that was glued in place I put the flange back and lathered Durham wood paste all around to fill in the gaps so the floor had something solid under it.
Then I took the flange out again and set the fan on the Durham’s dry it before laying out the floor. Jim made a great templet cutting the floor with the hole for the flange. We wanted the hole to just fit the flange opening so the entire unit sat directly on the floor. Worked out great. The toilet had to be honkered down onto the floor, which was the way it should be from some of the videos I watched. I put some vasaline on the outside of the rubber gasket that sits on the flange to help make a seal. Then tightened down the toilet.
We had gone to Higgenbotham to get a new hose and shut off valve for the water line, but when I went to install it at the back of the toilet, it would not thread on. I tried really hard but could not get it to start the thread. Then Jim looked at it and discovered that the thread portion was shallow and would not reach the threads on the toilet. So off to Granbury to see if we could find a hose that worked. Luckily we made it to Walmart 2 minutes before closing time, and actually did find a hose with a fitting that worked. I had that thing screwed on in no time, hooked the toilet treatment hose back on, and away we went. I think there may be a small leak at the shut off valve, but maybe the water just has to make a seal itself. I put sealant on, but may have to put more.
June 10, 2020. Went to take a shower last night and heard the tub crack. Discovered that there was a crack around the drain. So, no shower last night and today Jim got out the dremel and plastic welder. This was my second fix on the trailer in four days.
The awning cleaner and waterproof stuff came. My next project will be cleaning the awning and then waterproofing it. There is still a section where the awning is coming apart from the cover and I have not been able to figure out how to fix that. I guess I’ll look at it again.
Josh said Ellie’s fever finally broke. How long has it been? It’s over a week that she had a fever. They had her tested for the corona virus, and it came back negative. Also had her tested for a urine infection and that was also negative.
June 14, 2020. Josh texted and said that Ellie has been fever free for a few days now. It sure did take a long time for her fever to subside. They do not know what caused it, but Karen suspects the frogs Ellie was playing with at the campground.
Was doing a lot of internet research for the past few days trying to figure out the best sealant to put around the front window. There are very few products that actually work with both fiberglass and acrylic, but mostly acrylic. There are a lot that you cannot use on acrylic. One specifically is the well-known and used Geocel Pro Flex, but I can use it around the windows.
But now I have another project to do before the awning, which needs to be done before the outside caulking is done. I pulled some of the wallpaper from the sill on the inside of the front window and pulled out a lot of rotten wood. After that I put in some of the Minwax wood hardner. Next comes putting in bondo where I pulled the wood out and form it. Then I will put on the wallpaper. Also have a spot in the bedroom to fix as well.
Still wondering about traveling. We are still here at Tres Rios until June 24, then will go to Lake Whitney for a week, then back here for another two to three weeks. Wanted to head into New Mexico to the Whittendon Center for a week, then up into Colorado. Will have to check and make sure we can get out of New Mexico, as I want to head up to Cody, Wyoming, then over to Grand Rapids, South Dakota.
I keep coming up with new projects, and my To Do List is not going down very fast. But stuff needs to get done, as I have not caulked around the windows or put rubber penetrant on the rubber seals on the windows either. So both of those are on my list.
June 17, 2020. On our walk this morning (6:30am) along the trail along the Brazos River, I always watch where I am walking. Well, today I noticed a small blob, which turned out to be a little animal. I thought it was probably dead and bent to pick it up and move it into the brush so it would not get run over, and to my surprise the little guy was still alive. So small, eyes still closed and part of its umbilical cord still attached, dirty and just laying there in the dirt. So of course I had to pick it up. I thought it was a squirrel and fell out of its nest but could not find one.
A couple walking along thought it was an opossum, so I started calling vets and rescue people. I first tried Glen Rose Animal Rescue and that turned out to be a flop. She was no help at all. But eventually, after spending all morning talking and texting people, I found someone who takes in rescued raccoons, and also discovered that it was a raccoon infant, not an opossum.
I had tried to clean him off a bit and wrapped him in a towel to keep him warm. He did not like being on his back but curled up to sleep on his tummy. You can see how tiny he was by my fingers.
The rescue lady drove an hour down to the park to pick up the little guy. She thought that maybe the momma was being chased and this guy just popped out. I did not find any others, so the momma was able to make it to safety to have the rest of her babies.
June 20, 2020. Couple of days ago I sprayed Great Stuff foam into the cracks on the inside of the front window. I wanted to get down into the area between the window and fiberglass to give it more support. There were gaps on the lower ends of the front window on the outside and I suspect water was getting in around that. I got one side to tighten up (left side looking at it from the outside), and on the right lower side I put some Liquid Nail Sealant under the grommet and honkered it down. Now, that side is sealed nicely.
Yesterday I decided to take the butyl tape off from around the front window and clean it up. It was quite a chore getting the tape off, and I used Goof Off on the top edge and a little bit around the rest. That Goof Off makes quite a mess. But I got the butyl off. I read that Acetone and Mineral Spirits are not to be used on Acrylics, but Kerosene is OK, so I cleaned up the Goof Off and the rest of the butyl with Kerosene, which worked out real well. I then got a spray bottle of soapy water and cleaned off around the window. I also used my Protect All around the outside grommet to clean it up.
Then I used the Liquid Nail to seal in the window all around. It looks real nice now. But I still want to do more. I bought some Sudbury Elastomeric Marine Sealant, which I will use to seal around the outside grommet, as well as over the Liquid Nail to form a better bond. I am determined to make sure that the front window does not leak anymore.
June 25, 2020. Last week I decided to put the Sudbury Elastomeric over the Liquid Nail; taped all around the window both on the outside and also around the acrylic portion. It was a bear getting that Sudbury into my caulk gun; it had a metal ring around the bottom which made it near impossible to get into it. But with determination, I did get it in and used the whole tube around the front window. I could not get the tube out of the gun and had to use a screw driver to pry it out.
The next day we did not play cards as there was not enough players, so Rhonda and I decided to head home and get some work done. I decided to finish the inside around the front window. The night before I sprayed some Great Stuff foam into the crevices in the front which made the area around the window more solid and the fiberglass around it does not move. I then used Formula 27 wood filler to fill in the remaining holes. That stuff was very hard to work with; spilled out and did not smooth out. I think I should have just bought a simple wood filler instead of a two part epoxy type filler.
I then tried to sand it out and got most of it smooth, but some still was rough. I made a mess getting it in, and cleaned off the sill as much as I could. I also put the Liquid Nail Sealant around the inside window to make it more secure. Then I put up some peel and stick wallpaper all around the window.
I also read on an RV blog about putting Reflectix up behind a double pane window as it could reflect too much heat and pop the seals. So I took out the Reflectix that I had up there to see how that works.
Wednesday June 24 we left Tres Rios to Lake Whitney Thousand Trails for our week out. I decided to come here because of the shade and gravel where I could get more work done on the trailer. When we got here I washed the awning but used the blue brush I use on the truck. It did not do a very good job, so we went to Ace Hardware and bought a hard bristle brush. This morning before laundry, I washed the awning again using the hard bristle brush and it did a much better job getting the dirt and mildew off of the awning. I let it dry for a few hours and this afternoon I put the waterproofing on it. Need to let it dry and then put some sealant on the seams and then awning tape to help the leaks.
Then my Verizon Jetpack decided to go haywire. It was working fine at Tres Rios and now here at Thousand Trails everytime I turn it on and hook up to it on my computer, it turns off and restarts. I tried resetting it numerous times, tried the old battery, and even took out the sim card and let it reset that way. But none of these things worked and it is still just turning off. I guess I’ll wait until we get back to Tres Rios and see if it is still acting up and if it is, I guess I’ll have to buy a new jetpack.
June 30, 2020. Got a bit more work done on the trailer: recaulked the area under the garage, which was coming apart. Also caulked around all of the windows and doors with Geocel RV sealant. Tried to put RV awning tape on the awning where a rip developed near the door and on the two rips caused by the door roller. Both of those came off. So I tried to seal it with the Liquid Nail Sealant. Also put the Liquid Nail Sealant on the awning thread holes from the roof. Put it both near the awning roller and main awning as well as the small area between the roof and awning. Hopefully between the waterproofing on the awning and the sealant, it won’t leak through and drip on the chairs.
The country is still going nuts with protests and the BLM and Antifa idiots ruining the country. Now they are staying that the Covid is starting to come out again, not because of the riots, but because of the get togethers people are having. Oh brother, now they are talking about shutting more of the country down. Even Abbott is calling for more shutdowns.
I sure hope that Tres Rios has not closed the clubhouse again. We will be heading back there on Wednesday. I have set us up to stay for three weeks, but I sure would like to travel a bit. I have reservations in place, and will start calling places next week to see who is open.
Weather is brutally hot right now – high 90s reaching 100 sometime. Even the nights are in the high 70s. Cannot even be outside during the day for any length of time. So, some of the work I wanted to get done on the trailer won’t get done because of the heat.
I think someone tried to hack into the FB account this morning. I have a two-part authentication set up where if an unknown browser tries to log in, I get a text with a code to input. Well, I got a text with a code and neither Jim nor I were trying to log into FB. So I immediately went in and changed my password, and am thankful that I have the two-part authentication login.
Thousand Trails has posted that they are not taking any new reservations until April 30, and will not allow people to go park to park. We are scheduled to come back here April 28, so I don’t know if they will let us in or not, seeing how it’s only two days earlier. If not, we may just have to stay at Tres Rios.
The country is still going through a crazy type of lock down, but the talking heads are very concerned about what it’s doing to the economy. As am I sure we lost a lot of money with the stock market going down. It does worry me as this virus does not look like it’s letting up any time soon. Experts say we have not hit the peak yet.
Media talks about this being the “new normal.” Give me a break. This is not normal. I recall Obama saying that about the economy when he left office and thankfully Trump came along with lift us out of that doldrum. I think the Democrats are almost glad things are going downhill; maybe they think people will vote Dem in the fall so they can “fix” the economy. No way will that happen. I think Trump will win again, because if he does not, this country will really be done.
Won’t have much to do once we get back to Tres Rios though as Rene had the clubhouse and Lodge locked shut so there is no entry into them. So, no cards and no pool.
April 9, 2020. We arrived back here at Tres Rios on April 7 for three weeks. People are coming in and going out with no problem. The only thing is that the buildings are still locked. We have decided to play cards under the pavilion, keeping arms-length between us as we play.
I also made us reservations to stay at the Coast to Coast Whitney Resorts for one week and then back to Tres Rios for the month of May.
The whole corona virus pandemic is causing drastic unemployment and businesses shutting down. From what I have been reading, this is all a plan by the democrats to get Trump out of office. They knew about the virus back in November as they were pushing the impeachment. There is so much Deep State stuff going on, it’s hard to fathom.
Still walking the dogs and talking to neighbors. Not going to stay in the RV to stay away from people.
April 14, 2020. Decided to go to Walmart on Tuesday instead of Monday. Seems the shelves were a little more stocked today – I actually got two dozen eggs and a package of toilet paper. Even though I have three packages of RV Toilet paper, I still got a package of Northern.
Also, my new keyboard came today. I spilled water on the last one and it stopped working. I was glad that we still had Jim’s wireless keyboard so I was able to use that the past couple of weeks until my new one arrived. I got it all hooked up and tried to get it working, and nothing. Then I remembered that I forgot to connect the data plug and after I hooked that up, it works good. I had to do an update on the computer though, and I am wondering how much longer my computer is going to last. It does some crazy things sometimes; and sometimes it is just sooo slow. I did order two Sandisks that are 2TB each so I am going to put everything on it as I don’t want to worry about my computer crashing.
April 24, 2020. Jim had his final appointment with Dr. Wroten, who did his duputryen’s surgery. He was very happy with Jim’s hand and the progress it is making. He said the scar tissue will go away eventually, it just takes a few months before it will be more normal.
The country is still in much of a lock down, or stay at home. Some states have a lot of the corona virus, and others have virtually none. President Trump has set out steps to open the country back up, which needs to be done. People want to go back to work; unemployment has skyrocketed, and businesses and farmers are hurting badly. Hospitals are laying off staff due to no elective surgeries. So what is going to happen? They are trying to keep people alive by shutting the country down; but now people may die due to no surgery. It is really terrifying how bad things are right now. It is becoming a worse recession than 2008; and it may turn into a deflation, which is even worse.
To top everything off, the House is now setting up a committee to investigate President Trump into his handling of the virus. They never give up trying to get rid of him. Just let the man do his job.
There is a new movement sweeping the world with the name of Q. Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q? Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it’s inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.
Q first appeared in October 2012 on an anonymous online forum called 4Chan, posting messages that implied top-clearance knowledge of upcoming events. More than 3,000 messages later, Q has created a disturbing, multi-faceted portrait of a global crime syndicate that operates with impunity. Q’s followers in the QAnon community faithfully analyze every detail of Q’s drops.
I am scared that if Trump does not win again in November, this country will be setting itself up for socialism, and with that will come a civil war within the country, because the followers of Q and those loyal to the country will not stand for socialism.
So right now as we wait for the country to open back up again, we are moving between Lake Whitney and Tres Rios. We cannot go back to the Thousand Trails this week out as they have closed all of their parks to new reservations until May 1, and we are heading out on April 28. So, we will be staying at the Coast to Coast park which is right next door to the Thousand Trails. Then we will be back to Tres Rios for the month of May.
Jim has one more doctor’s appointment in May with Dr. Bhatti, who will evaluate his C-pap experience.
May 2, 2020. Arrived at Whitney Resorts, a Coast to Coast resort, on Tuesday. We have never camped here before as we usually went to the Thousand Trails next door. This place is pretty much out in the open with hardly any trees, so when the wind blows, and it has been blowing a lot, there is no wind break. At least at the Thousand Trails there are so many trees, they cut the wind pretty good.
But so far it’s not bad here; at least Jim can ride his trike. The roads are long and flat. This park is huge and there is a lot of places to ride. Our friends from Tres Rios, Ed & Nancy, bought a lot here. We visited with them the first day we got here, and I went and visited with them today while riding around.
Denise from Tres Rios called me just before I was heading out for my bike ride to tell us that our friend Dub had died from a massive heart attack last night. He had left Tres Rios the day after we did to go to his daughter’s house. He was a heavy drinker, drinking from morning to night. He had lost his wife a couple of years ago to cancer and enjoyed going out dancing and spending winters in Rockport, Texas with Cowboy and another man. I stopped by Ed & Nancy’s house on my bike ride and as they were sitting out front, I stopped by to talk with them. They had known Dub for around 10 years, ever since they bought into OCP.
Jim is taking it kind of hard; he was just beginning to know Dub better and spend time with him, and now he won’t be able to.
May 7, 2020. It’s been a crazy, hectic week. We went to Fun Town RV on Sunday afternoon to try and find some stuff. Kerry works there now and we got to see him for a bit and get a tour of the facility. It is huge; they have two places for RVs. One where they come in and get checked out, and then they are moved to the showroom for display and sale. They also have a big store for buying stuff.
It was pretty hot that day and we left the dogs in the truck. Got back to the camp later in time for their afternoon walk, which has been around the golf course. Day before was a hot walk and Hayley trotted along behind me, panting a lot so I stopped in the shade of trees to let her rest. Sunday, Hayley was acting funny, always standing and panting a lot. Did not think anything of it, and so I took them into the woods where it was cooler. I guess come Monday she was still acting funny, but she was eating and doing her business. Jim sat up with her Monday night as she just wanted to stand in the yard and walk around with the wind in her face.
Tuesday morning (May 5) I took them for a walk, and she was still panting heavily and her hind legs did not seem to work quite right. She did pee and poop but I decided to take her back to the trailer as weather was coming in and I did not want to get stuck in the rain. She did not walk back well and collapsed once, but I did get her back. Then took Lucy out by herself. When I got back to the trailer, Hayley was sitting half way on the couch with her head and front legs down toward the floor. She seemed to want to go outside again so I took her out and she immediately collapsed onto the ground. She tried standing up and collapsed again. I called for Jim and he came out to put her bed down and I was able to get her onto that. We covered her up and I called the vets to make an appointment. When she was laying on her bed, her legs got very stiff and she made whimpering noises. I thought she was going to die right then and there on me.
We thought she was poisoned, but could not figure out where that would have happened.
The only vet that would see her was Terry Vet in Glen Rose. So we piled her in the truck, left Lucy at the trailer, and drove to Glen Rose. I sat in the back of the truck with Hayley and she recovered enough that she was half sitting up and tried to get up but I would not let her stand. But she was still panting very heavily.
When we got to the vets they came out immediately to look at her, the Vet Tech picked her up and carried her into the exam room, took her temperature and blood pressure. Her temperature was 95, which is very low for a dog as it’s supposed to be around 101. They tried getting blood but her veins were collapsed but they finally got some.
We decided to leave her there while we went back to Whitney to pack up. It was our last day of our week out, and since the vet was in Glen Rose, we wanted to get back to Tres Rios. The manager and owner were very nice at Whitney and said if we needed to stay, that was no problem. Then when we got back to Tres Rios, everyone was asking about Hayley since they did not see her. I had already texted Pat and Rhonda to let them know what was going on.
After we got set up we went over to the vets about 3:30 to pick Hayley up and find out what was going on. They said she was in and out all afternoon, her temperature barely went up even though she was on a heating pad and covered up; her blood pressure was all over the place as well. Dr. Terry said she was having seizures. So we talked about what to do in terms of medication to help her through the seizures. Don’t know why she all of a sudden was getting seizures; it just happens in older dogs. Talked to a few other people there and their dogs also had seizures but they were helped with medication.
So while we were waiting, Dr. Terry came out and said that she had a mal seizure and was unresponsive. We went back to see her and she was comatose with her tongue hanging out and barely breathing. They took her to the exam room and placed her on a heating pad and covered her up. But by then it was too late; they said she would not recover from this seizure. Her eyes were open, tongue still hanging out and taking deep breaths every so often. But she was still unresponsive and comatose. So we stayed with her, petting and talking to her. They did not know how long she would last like this and it was getting on 6pm and time to go home. There would be no one to watch her throughout the night.
So we made the decision to have them euthanize her; we did not want her to suffer any more than she was. This was very hard for Jim & I. She was totally healthy last week, and then all of a sudden she goes downhill and that’s the end. She is going to be cremated and we are having a paw print made.
Lucy has just been wandering around looking for Hayley. She got up Wednesday morning and went to the bed under the table looking for her, as she did every morning for the past 8 years. They have been companions since we got Lucy in 2011 and they have never been apart. Lucy has not eaten breakfast for the past two days, but at least did eat dinner last night. But she still seems to be looking and waiting for Hayley to come home. She sits outside all day waiting.
Jim said we should get Lucy a playmate, but I’m not so sure about another dog in the trailer. These two were the best and I don’t want to have to train another dog to stay in the trailer, not chew it up, and not jump out of the truck when we leave them someplace. So for now, it’s just going to be the three of us.
Decided last week to do a blog on a tribute to our pets that we have had throughout the years, since we got together back in 1977.
Got a beautiful card from one of the couples here who camp near us and talk to us a lot. Don’t even know them very well, but they gave us a card anyway – Mike and Mary. They have a Pace Arrow motorhome, turquoise in color.
The country is slowly starting to reopen even through the virus is still around, but lots of doctors are saying it’s a lot like a bad flu season. There are millions of people out of work, and other things are starting to kill people. Underlying conditions, even suicide and who knows what else.
Josh said they are still planning on going to the beach house in June that they head to every year. They already have their plane tickets and the house rented.
I plan on starting to travel at the end of May. I am doing an itinerary, so I hope it works out.
May 14, 2020. Heard from Jacklyn on Mother’s Day – she is flying into Houston on May 28 for a week. So, we are going to go down as well for the week. I think we will try that new RV Resort just down the street from Josh. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s a PA, and that will save us some money. Plus, we won’t have to drive ½ hour to get back to the campground. We will then come back to Tres Rios for a week before heading out on vacation.
Lucy seems to be getting over the loss of Hayley. I don’t know that I am; I still think about her all the time. We are now waiting on the vet to call with her paw print. I am trying to socialize Lucy more and more with other dogs in the park. One in particular is a new friend’s (RuthAnn) dog named Ginger. She’s part Red Heeler and they love to run and play.
Finally got our stimulus check – it got mailed instead of direct deposit. We also got a bunch of supplies for Jim’s C-pap. I need to call them and make sure we are not going to be getting any more soon as they sent 4 each of the nose guards and disposable filters.
My thyroid medication was changed to 75mg a couple of months ago, and I just went and had another blood test and now my TSH is under 2. That’s quite a change from over 4. So they are keeping me at the 75mg dosage for now.
May 17, 2020. Had a terrible storm Friday night. The weather seemed to come from three directions – west, north and northeast. The rain came down in buckets and the wind was horrible. I did not put up enough things but luckily only the tarp blew away, but we recovered that. One of Jim’s flags on his trike came off and broke the zip tie. I even got out of bed to help him lower the north end of the awning because the wind was so strong. Lucy could not settle down and kept going from the bed to the living room.
Then it rained all day Saturday; not hard but a drizzle all day. At least Sunday dawned bright and sunny. It will be warm and sunny for the next week.
Bill Mars called today to let us know that his mom passed away. They had taken her out of the place she was staying to stay at Barb’s house. Bill had been there for two months helping to take care of her.
May 26, 2020. We had moved from one site forward to site 88 because the other one was just all mud when it rained. Site 88 was nice grass so I did not put our rug back out. Lucy sure enjoyed having all the grass.
Today was our last day of our three weeks at Tres Rios and as Jim was taking the electric apart, discovered that the cord welded itself to the inlet. The electric went out one evening and Jim & I went to reset the braker; it was very loose. Then a couple of days ago the power surged out and then came right back on. I wonder if either of these events caused our electric to weld together. This has happened more than I like at Tres Rios. We have replaced numerous cords. I think now we will need to invest in an EMS. Our trip to Bennett’s to buy a new inlet and cord was over $100.
We left Tres Rios about 2:30 and got to Brazos RV in Caldwell just after 5pm. When we get back next week we will have to change the floor flange on the toilet. The screw keeps coming loose and I am afraid to tighten it too much and I don’t want to break the fix I have there now.
May 28, 2020. Arrived in Houston yesterday and soon after a terrible storm blew through. We were doubtful if we were going to make it to Josh’s house, but then the storm blew through and the weather cleared. We went over later in the afternoon and he cooked salmon on his grill for dinner. Jacklyn had arrived early that morning, and it was really nice seeing her again.
The campground, Jetstream, is only 3.5 miles from Josh’s house, with a lot of concrete and a small grassy area next to the site. The pool was nice, good size with chairs and one table with awning. They even had a shallow area with concrete chairs built into it to sit down in the water. They have corn hole, large fire pit, picnic tables, and grills for the guests to use.
We did not do much of anything while there. Josh and Jacklyn came over Friday afternoon so Jason & Ellie could go swimming. They had a blast in the pool and wore themselves out running and playing. They needed the exercise after being cooped up in the house and yard for so long. Karen came later in the afternoon. Josh wanted to cook out at the campground and brought over food to cook. Karen also brought over s’mores fixings. I finally got the fire pit going and we had s’mores for dessert.
June 30, 2020. Ellie had black belt testing in the morning, which lasted for about 1-1/2 hours. She was pretty tired after that. But unfortunately that night she got a fever and it did not let up for the rest of the time we were there. That meant that they could not come over to the campground anymore for swimming. We just went over to their house every afternoon to visit. Jacklyn took me out clothes shopping one afternoon. We went Target and then Old Navy and I got some nice shirts and a pair of shorts.
While we were there the piece I had fixed on the toilet flange broke completely and the toilet wobbled in place, so I knew that we really had to fix it when we got back to Tres Rios.
June 7, 2020. Replacing the toilet flange took us two full days. Boy am I ever tired and sore from crawling all over the floor. It took me a while to get the old rusty screws out, but I eventually did. From there I noticed that the wood holding the flange were four small pieces so I pulled them out. They were all rotten and had to be replaced. So trip no. 1 to Lowes to buy 1 by to replace those pieces. I pulled out more rotted wood, which was probably the subfloor. I then put the fan in there to try and dry out the rest of the wood. Most of it got dry but it went far back under the insulation on top of the black tank, so I just put Minwax wood hardener in it and slathered it all in as best I could. The stuff is supposed to seep into the wood and make it hard.
We then cut the pieces to replace the ones I took out. Needed ½” at the bottom to replace the subfloor, then 1” pieces on top of those; latticed and glued together. I then put the flange in to see how much space was under it and decided that we needed another 1” piece under the wall side. After that was glued in place I put the flange back and lathered Durham wood paste all around to fill in the gaps so the floor had something solid under it.
Then I took the flange out again and set the fan on the Durham’s dry it before laying out the floor. Jim made a great templet cutting the floor with the hole for the flange. We wanted the hole to just fit the flange opening so the entire unit sat directly on the floor. Worked out great. The toilet had to be honkered down onto the floor, which was the way it should be from some of the videos I watched. I put some vasaline on the outside of the rubber gasket that sits on the flange to help make a seal. Then tightened down the toilet.
We had gone to Higgenbotham to get a new hose and shut off valve for the water line, but when I went to install it at the back of the toilet, it would not thread on. I tried really hard but could not get it to start the thread. Then Jim looked at it and discovered that the thread portion was shallow and would not reach the threads on the toilet. So off to Granbury to see if we could find a hose that worked. Luckily we made it to Walmart 2 minutes before closing time, and actually did find a hose with a fitting that worked. I had that thing screwed on in no time, hooked the toilet treatment hose back on, and away we went. I think there may be a small leak at the shut off valve, but maybe the water just has to make a seal itself. I put sealant on, but may have to put more.
June 10, 2020. Went to take a shower last night and heard the tub crack. Discovered that there was a crack around the drain. So, no shower last night and today Jim got out the dremel and plastic welder. This was my second fix on the trailer in four days.
The awning cleaner and waterproof stuff came. My next project will be cleaning the awning and then waterproofing it. There is still a section where the awning is coming apart from the cover and I have not been able to figure out how to fix that. I guess I’ll look at it again.
Josh said Ellie’s fever finally broke. How long has it been? It’s over a week that she had a fever. They had her tested for the corona virus, and it came back negative. Also had her tested for a urine infection and that was also negative.
June 14, 2020. Josh texted and said that Ellie has been fever free for a few days now. It sure did take a long time for her fever to subside. They do not know what caused it, but Karen suspects the frogs Ellie was playing with at the campground.
Was doing a lot of internet research for the past few days trying to figure out the best sealant to put around the front window. There are very few products that actually work with both fiberglass and acrylic, but mostly acrylic. There are a lot that you cannot use on acrylic. One specifically is the well-known and used Geocel Pro Flex, but I can use it around the windows.
But now I have another project to do before the awning, which needs to be done before the outside caulking is done. I pulled some of the wallpaper from the sill on the inside of the front window and pulled out a lot of rotten wood. After that I put in some of the Minwax wood hardner. Next comes putting in bondo where I pulled the wood out and form it. Then I will put on the wallpaper. Also have a spot in the bedroom to fix as well.
Still wondering about traveling. We are still here at Tres Rios until June 24, then will go to Lake Whitney for a week, then back here for another two to three weeks. Wanted to head into New Mexico to the Whittendon Center for a week, then up into Colorado. Will have to check and make sure we can get out of New Mexico, as I want to head up to Cody, Wyoming, then over to Grand Rapids, South Dakota.
I keep coming up with new projects, and my To Do List is not going down very fast. But stuff needs to get done, as I have not caulked around the windows or put rubber penetrant on the rubber seals on the windows either. So both of those are on my list.
June 17, 2020. On our walk this morning (6:30am) along the trail along the Brazos River, I always watch where I am walking. Well, today I noticed a small blob, which turned out to be a little animal. I thought it was probably dead and bent to pick it up and move it into the brush so it would not get run over, and to my surprise the little guy was still alive. So small, eyes still closed and part of its umbilical cord still attached, dirty and just laying there in the dirt. So of course I had to pick it up. I thought it was a squirrel and fell out of its nest but could not find one.
A couple walking along thought it was an opossum, so I started calling vets and rescue people. I first tried Glen Rose Animal Rescue and that turned out to be a flop. She was no help at all. But eventually, after spending all morning talking and texting people, I found someone who takes in rescued raccoons, and also discovered that it was a raccoon infant, not an opossum.
I had tried to clean him off a bit and wrapped him in a towel to keep him warm. He did not like being on his back but curled up to sleep on his tummy. You can see how tiny he was by my fingers.
The rescue lady drove an hour down to the park to pick up the little guy. She thought that maybe the momma was being chased and this guy just popped out. I did not find any others, so the momma was able to make it to safety to have the rest of her babies.
June 20, 2020. Couple of days ago I sprayed Great Stuff foam into the cracks on the inside of the front window. I wanted to get down into the area between the window and fiberglass to give it more support. There were gaps on the lower ends of the front window on the outside and I suspect water was getting in around that. I got one side to tighten up (left side looking at it from the outside), and on the right lower side I put some Liquid Nail Sealant under the grommet and honkered it down. Now, that side is sealed nicely.
Yesterday I decided to take the butyl tape off from around the front window and clean it up. It was quite a chore getting the tape off, and I used Goof Off on the top edge and a little bit around the rest. That Goof Off makes quite a mess. But I got the butyl off. I read that Acetone and Mineral Spirits are not to be used on Acrylics, but Kerosene is OK, so I cleaned up the Goof Off and the rest of the butyl with Kerosene, which worked out real well. I then got a spray bottle of soapy water and cleaned off around the window. I also used my Protect All around the outside grommet to clean it up.
Then I used the Liquid Nail to seal in the window all around. It looks real nice now. But I still want to do more. I bought some Sudbury Elastomeric Marine Sealant, which I will use to seal around the outside grommet, as well as over the Liquid Nail to form a better bond. I am determined to make sure that the front window does not leak anymore.
June 25, 2020. Last week I decided to put the Sudbury Elastomeric over the Liquid Nail; taped all around the window both on the outside and also around the acrylic portion. It was a bear getting that Sudbury into my caulk gun; it had a metal ring around the bottom which made it near impossible to get into it. But with determination, I did get it in and used the whole tube around the front window. I could not get the tube out of the gun and had to use a screw driver to pry it out.
The next day we did not play cards as there was not enough players, so Rhonda and I decided to head home and get some work done. I decided to finish the inside around the front window. The night before I sprayed some Great Stuff foam into the crevices in the front which made the area around the window more solid and the fiberglass around it does not move. I then used Formula 27 wood filler to fill in the remaining holes. That stuff was very hard to work with; spilled out and did not smooth out. I think I should have just bought a simple wood filler instead of a two part epoxy type filler.
I then tried to sand it out and got most of it smooth, but some still was rough. I made a mess getting it in, and cleaned off the sill as much as I could. I also put the Liquid Nail Sealant around the inside window to make it more secure. Then I put up some peel and stick wallpaper all around the window.
I also read on an RV blog about putting Reflectix up behind a double pane window as it could reflect too much heat and pop the seals. So I took out the Reflectix that I had up there to see how that works.
Wednesday June 24 we left Tres Rios to Lake Whitney Thousand Trails for our week out. I decided to come here because of the shade and gravel where I could get more work done on the trailer. When we got here I washed the awning but used the blue brush I use on the truck. It did not do a very good job, so we went to Ace Hardware and bought a hard bristle brush. This morning before laundry, I washed the awning again using the hard bristle brush and it did a much better job getting the dirt and mildew off of the awning. I let it dry for a few hours and this afternoon I put the waterproofing on it. Need to let it dry and then put some sealant on the seams and then awning tape to help the leaks.
Then my Verizon Jetpack decided to go haywire. It was working fine at Tres Rios and now here at Thousand Trails everytime I turn it on and hook up to it on my computer, it turns off and restarts. I tried resetting it numerous times, tried the old battery, and even took out the sim card and let it reset that way. But none of these things worked and it is still just turning off. I guess I’ll wait until we get back to Tres Rios and see if it is still acting up and if it is, I guess I’ll have to buy a new jetpack.
June 30, 2020. Got a bit more work done on the trailer: recaulked the area under the garage, which was coming apart. Also caulked around all of the windows and doors with Geocel RV sealant. Tried to put RV awning tape on the awning where a rip developed near the door and on the two rips caused by the door roller. Both of those came off. So I tried to seal it with the Liquid Nail Sealant. Also put the Liquid Nail Sealant on the awning thread holes from the roof. Put it both near the awning roller and main awning as well as the small area between the roof and awning. Hopefully between the waterproofing on the awning and the sealant, it won’t leak through and drip on the chairs.
The country is still going nuts with protests and the BLM and Antifa idiots ruining the country. Now they are staying that the Covid is starting to come out again, not because of the riots, but because of the get togethers people are having. Oh brother, now they are talking about shutting more of the country down. Even Abbott is calling for more shutdowns.
I sure hope that Tres Rios has not closed the clubhouse again. We will be heading back there on Wednesday. I have set us up to stay for three weeks, but I sure would like to travel a bit. I have reservations in place, and will start calling places next week to see who is open.
Weather is brutally hot right now – high 90s reaching 100 sometime. Even the nights are in the high 70s. Cannot even be outside during the day for any length of time. So, some of the work I wanted to get done on the trailer won’t get done because of the heat.
I think someone tried to hack into the FB account this morning. I have a two-part authentication set up where if an unknown browser tries to log in, I get a text with a code to input. Well, I got a text with a code and neither Jim nor I were trying to log into FB. So I immediately went in and changed my password, and am thankful that I have the two-part authentication login.