January 3, 2019. Spent New Years Eve here at Styx River, but did not go to their festivities. They had music and keraoke and I read they wanted us to dress up in a costume. I ended up going to bed at my normal time but Jim stayed up until the new year, as he usually does. We did not do anything on New Years Day as I figured most things were closed, so we just hung out here.
Wednesday we met up with Lavon and went to visit the Escapees RV Park in Summerdale, Alabama. It is a very nice facility but fills up during the winter and has a waiting list to lease a site. Lavon got a call from his doctor to set up an appointment for his knee surgery. So after the visit to the Escapees park we went to lunch and then took him home since he had an appointment.
So Jim & I then went to visit the Spanish Cove RV and house resort that we learned about from Chuck & Nancy. They bought a lot, but as we drove through the RV section did not find any lots for sale. Saw some mobile homes for sale, but that’s all. The major club house was very nice and they put a cover over the outdoor pool so it can be used in the winter. We could not get into the clubhouse in the RV section as you need a fob to get in, but it did not look like anything was going on there when we went. All in all, I was not very impressed with the facility.
We keep looking for a place where we might want to put down roots some day, but so far have not found it. The farther east we drive, the more Jim wants to go back west. The people are nicer, and it’s not as crowded.
Stock market has been fluctuating quite a bit throughout 2018 and we lost most of the money we made since getting into it back in December 2016. So I decided to get out of it again before we lose too much. Today I bought some CDs – two for me and one for Jim. I got one five year and one six month for me and one six month for Jim. I will probably roll them over once the six months is over, so will keep an eye on them. They stock market went down again today – over 600 points, so I don’t feel bad about getting out.
January 24, 2019. Oh boy, have not written for a while, and when I said I should make an entry every day. Geez.
We left Styx River on January 6 heading east. I tried to get us into two parks that I was familiar with but both said they did not have any openings. I think the hurricane that hit the Florida panhandle caused those people to move closer to I-10. I finally found site at Alliance RV Park, a small over 55 park; very quiet and clean. It was very nice.
From there we headed to Suwanee River Rondevoux where we have stayed before. The Suwanee River was quiet high and everything by the river was flooded. We just stayed one here as well.
January 8 we arrived at an Encore Park called Winter Garden in Florida. They put us in a very tight corner spot but at least we were only staying two days. They had a small dog park and I took the girls in there once and the next day Hayley had diarrhea. I decided not to take them back into the dog park, so I walked down the street and found a county park where I let them loose for a short time in the morning.
After leaving Winter Garden we went to Peace River Thousand Trails in Wauchula, Florida. However, upon arriving there we were told there were no FHU or W/E sites open and that we would have to boondock for the night and then come back to the office to see if any sites opened up. I did not like that option, so decided not to stay there. I knew there was an Escapees SKP park close by so I called them and luckily they had a site open for the week. We went there from January 10-17. This as a great park and the people were very friendly. They always wanted us to join in the activities and said to come back. The only thing I did not like was there was no place to let the dogs loose. I had to walk around the park and in certain areas.
Bill came down to visit us on Saturday as Julie had to fly to Conn. b/c Amy’s husband died suddenly, and Lisa was having her bachelorette party at their house that weekend. We went to see Solomon’s Castle, had lunch and toured the castle. Quite interesting. Jim discovered an Avion sitting in the storage area which they park was trying to get rid of. Another person was supposed to have purchased it, but they never came and got it. They were only asking $1000 for the trailer. By Monday the trailer was still sitting there and Bill wanted to buy it. He left the money with us to settle the deal, so after shopping we went to Avon Lake to pay for the trailer and pick up the title. Bill was already on his way down (a 2 hour drive) and picked up the trailer Monday afternoon. He had to stop in Avon Park to buy 4 new tires, and then took it home. He is selling the trailer to their friend April.
January 17 we left the Escapees park and drove to another Encore Park, Sunshine Travel, where we have stayed before. We like this park as it has a huge dog park, even though I don’t use it. I just take the dogs to the storage area and let them loose there for a little while, then walked around the park. One day Jim & I rode our bikes to Fellsmere Trailhead where they have a bike trail that goes along the old railroad trail from Fellsmere to Sebastian. I took the dogs there one day and let them loose in one area as it was only .8 mile to walk there.
January 24 we were supposed to go to Bill & Julie’s back yard but a huge storm is coming through so I have asked the office if we can stay an extra day.
February 3, 2019. Went to Bill & Julie’s house on July 24 for a week. Pulled in closer to the bushes so I could get the awning out to dry. Would have liked to get under the barn but Julie’s golf cart is there as well as another old golf cart and tools. Bill is turning the cement shed into a small cottage that he wants to rent out to winter residents. He has been renting out the bigger cottage next to the house every winter so far to Bob & Sue who drive down from the upper part of Minnesota.
Had dinner with them Thursday night and Bob & Sue and Jay & Debby came as well. They are all trying to eat healthier and forgo dessert, even though Sue brought a huge cheesecake. We did have that though.
On Friday the 25th we all drove to the Kennedy Space Center as Sue was able to get us half price tickets. That was a long day so I took the dogs and was able to walk them just before lunch. We had a nice time there with everyone.
Went out to lunch and dinners as well during the week. Bill & Julie drove down to North Palm Beach on Sunday as it was their granddaughter Juliann’s birthday. We were going to drive down but it stormed heavy and rained all night and I did not want to drive 1-1/2 hours back in the dark, so we did not go. They brought back Hannah and Juliann with them on Monday for the week.
Jim helped Bill with the new cottage in the mornings and I was able to cut my plates for underneath the Award from the fiberboard that we used two years ago. Now I have to wash underneath, let it dry and put on the new plates.
The City of Sebastian is still a small, homey town with a nice park at the end of Indian River Drive and bike trail. There are a few museums in the area and all the stores you look for in a city.
We left on January 31 heading to Orlando Thousand Trails where we will be for two weeks.
On Friday, February 2 we went to visit Fantasy of Flight Museum. We got there in time for a tour guide talking about the airplanes, which lasted about an hour. I took pictures and will do blog entry about the planes.
We are trying to do more activities here at the campground. Attended a “flea market bingo” the other day, trying to get rid of things. But the only trouble is, when you win you have to take something.
We are also going to join in the Shuffleboard and Line Dance activities, actually Jim will do Shuffleboard and I will do the Line Dance.
Sunday February 3 is Super Bowl Sunday, so I am not sure if we will do anything today.
February 10, 2019. We had planned on going bike riding with Jacklyn at Lake Louisa State Park, but the day dawned misty and rainy and did not clear out until very late that afternoon. So instead of riding, we drove to Lakeland and had lunch with her. That was very nice and we had a good time. She brought some of Joe’s blazers for Jim to try on so he could wear his black pants to the wedding, but the one we brought home just does not fit around his belly and is not really his style.
February 15, 2019. Left Orlando Thousand Trails Thursday February 14 (Valentine’s Day) to go to Bee’s RV Resort, about 20 north. Had to leave the Thousand Trails as they only allow 2 weeks during the busy winter season. We will be here until Monday when we head to Sertoma Youth Ranch for the Tin Can Tourists Rally. We are not supposed to check into Sertoma until 1pm on Monday.
Today we are doing to go to Goodwill and see if they have a blazer and shirt for Jim to wear to the wedding.
Saturday we will attend Lisa & Justin’s wedding. Josh is flying in this afternoon and will stay with Jacklyn & Joe.
February 17, 2019. The wedding was really great. It was nice to see Josh and Bill was really happy he flew in for the wedding. Lisa looked beautiful and really, really happy. I am glad she and Justin found each other. I will be doing a blog on the wedding when I get all the pictures.
February 24, 2019. Monday the 18th we drove to Sertoma Youth Ranch for the TCT Rally. There was stuff going on from Tuesday through Sunday morning. Open House was on Saturday and drew quite a crowd. We decided not to open up our trailer, but some people did stop by to look at it. We tried to sell our Petromax (with no luck) so Jim sat at the trailer instead of walking around. Bill brought Jack Culp’s refurbished trailer and April drove up and stayed in it. Jacklyn drove up Thursday afternoon and spent the night; Friday morning we went to some thrift stores and had lunch out.
February 27, 2019. Jenanne and Tom are camp hosts here at EG Simmons and she pulled some strings and was able to get us into EG Simmons on Sunday, which they paid for so we would have a site. Then on Monday I went up and paid for the rest of the week. It is great being able to finally meet her; she is a hoot and she and Tom seem to get along great. They have a huge motorhome with slides – just like a small apartment. We have spent a little bit of time together; happy hour and mornings talking. They work Thursday to Sunday, so Wednesday we are driving with them downtown to the Tampa Bay History Center.
Had dinner with Jacklyn and some of her besties on Sunday night and will see her again tonight at 4Stacks Brewing and hopefully a sunset boat ride Thursday evening. Joe will be back in town late tonight and be home for the weekend. Friday night Jacklyn has a workout, and on Saturday will go to the Dragon Fest with her.
I found a pair of frames at Walmart when we went on Monday and liked them so much that I bought them on the spot. I was going to wait until we got to Sebastian to put in the prescription, but decided to drive back on Tuesday to give them the prescription and start the order. They will ship them to the Sebastian Walmart next week so I can pick them up.
March 8, 2019. Spent time with Jacklyn during the week we were at EG Simmons as well as Tom and Jenanne. Joe did not come back into town early enough for the boat ride and we did not even see him at all. Seems he had meetings Friday night and a charity event all day Saturday. Friday night we went to Jacklyn’s Apogee Cross Fit where she had a meet that she was participating in. Saturday we went to the Dragon Boat Races and watched that for a little while. After that we went back to Jacklyn’s place, and she and Jenna along with Jim & I took a ride in her golf cart to Circles for lunch.
Sunday March 3 we left Apollo Beach and drove to Bill & Julie’s house, getting here just as they were about to pull out and head to WPB. But that was OK; we just hung out. Monday was our normal shopping; Tuesday went to Home Depot and bought supplies so I could finish putting the fiberglass paneling under the trailer. Tuesday afternoon I cut the pieces that I was going to put under the trailer. Wednesday was cold so we decided to go to the Navy Seal Museum in Fort Pierce.
I started thinking about putting things on You Tube as everyone keeps saying that I should. So I started looking into it to figure out how to put my pictures on You Tube. I eventually figured it out and so far put Arches NP and the TCT Rally onto You Tube. I am going to have to figure out how to get the You Tube movies from the National Parks into my Blog and website.
Thursday I put the paneling under the bed and on the rest of the places on either side of the trailer. I had a tiny bit left over. Friday I caulked everything under there, so now we won’t have to worry about any more delamination.
Friday afternoon we went for a boat ride with Bill & Julie to one of her favorite islands for lunch. Bill bought some chicken, ceasar salad fixings and some fruit. It was very good and a nice boat ride. Then we hopped into the golf cart and went to the Tiki Bar for dinner and cocktails. Julie talked about driving over to the ocean Saturday afternoon so we could do some metal detecting and then heading to the restaurant where Debbie works, but by the time we got back from our boat ride, there was not time to go. Maybe one day….
March 12, 2019. Jacklyn came to visit Friday night and stayed for the weekend. Saturday morning was breakfast, then close to noon Julie & Jacklyn jumped into the golf cart and were gone for a couple of hours, so our trip to the ocean did not happen. Lunch was late afternoon, then we jump into the pontoon boat for a gentle ride over to the island where Jacklyn found some goodies for her plants, then they decided to travel up river to a restaurant where we had cocktails and snacks before heading back to the house. The girls played corn hole – Jacklyn & me against Julie & April. The first time I got up to play I got 3 holes – miraculous. That did not happen again.
April and her grandmother had come Saturday morning, so April came on the boat ride, but her grandmother did not.
Sunday morning (10th) was breakfast again which Bill cooked both days. Jacklyn left about noon as she had a painting session at 3pm where she was painting Pickles. Bill & Julie left in the afternoon to West Palm Beach, and then April & her grandmother left, leaving Jim & I there for the evening. We headed out Monday afternoon to Ormond Beach for the night and our next stop will be Walkabout RV Park in Georgia.
March 20, 2019. We stayed at Walkabout for a few days and visited Okefenokee Swamp. Did not take the boat tour as a big tour bus came in just as we were leaving the visitor center and the area was crowded. So we decided to take the driving tour and by the time we got back, ate lunch, the next boat tour was leaving an hour later. So, we decided to just head back to the campground.
Next day we went to the Submarine Museum in St. Marys then had lunch with Jennifer Cody, who I used to work with at Shapiro Fussell. We had a great lunch and it was really nice seeing her again. We then went to the Cumberland Island Visitor Center.
From there we drove to The Oaks Thousand Trails in Yemassee, South Carolina. We were going to meet Jake Forbes for the St. Patricks Day Parade in Savannah, but Jim decided he did not want to deal with crowds so we did not go. Next day, Sunday, we went to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum and then met Jake for lunch.
Our next stop was outside of Charleston, South Carolina. We drove into Charleston the day we got here and drove down to the Battery. We were going to park and walk around but Jim had a mishap and we ended up heading back to the trailer. Next day we went down to the market, had lunch at Henlys, and walked through the Market. Jim found himself a Panama hat, which he has been wanting since his old one got ruined.
We also found unique museum where they make plastic kazoos, the Kazoo Museum. It is a small building with a museum on the history of kazoos, a short film on kazoos, a tour of the building facility and then we were able to build our own kazoos. It was a lot of fun.
Joe said he was going to be here in Charleston on Friday and I mentioned to him about getting together on Saturday. We are going to see the Hunley on Saturday as well, so I hope we can meet up with him.
March 25, 2019. Joe never made it to Charleston while we were there, but we did go see the H.L. Hunley on Saturday. That was quite interesting, and we spent all afternoon there looking at the displays and reading about the history of the Hunley.
Sunday while getting ready to leave I looked at the trailer tires again, specifically the curb side and mentioned to Jim that I thought we needed new tires, especially since now I noticed steel showing. So I immediately got on the computer and started looking for a place for us to get tires. I found NTB had RV tires, so we packed up and headed to NTB. While there and discussing when they could get to us, we were initially told it would be late in the day. I mentioned that I would like to be out of there by 3 as we were headed to Myrtle Beach. Luckily there was a gentleman there with an appointment for them to work on his boat trailer and he said for us to take his spot as he had to leave and would not be back until late Monday. So finally about 3 they got to us and we were out of there about 4:30. We drove straight to Myrtle Beach, getting here about 6:30pm. At least it was still light and we were able to set up OK.
Our site would have fit the trailer & truck with no problem, but they put us in a site where there was a tree in the way of putting out the awning, so we could not back up as far as we could have. Also, there were ants all over the place and I had to get out the Diamataeous earth to put on the ants. In addition, the sewer hose goes uphill. When I checked in, I did mention all of this to the staff. We were told we could not park on the “patio” and had to park parallel to the trailer, but stay off the grass. Well, the main area where we parked the trailer was not wide enough for the truck to stay off the grass, so of course the front tires are on the grass. I wonder if we will get told about that like we did about parking on the “patio” concrete.
Back to Daily Journal 2019
Wednesday we met up with Lavon and went to visit the Escapees RV Park in Summerdale, Alabama. It is a very nice facility but fills up during the winter and has a waiting list to lease a site. Lavon got a call from his doctor to set up an appointment for his knee surgery. So after the visit to the Escapees park we went to lunch and then took him home since he had an appointment.
So Jim & I then went to visit the Spanish Cove RV and house resort that we learned about from Chuck & Nancy. They bought a lot, but as we drove through the RV section did not find any lots for sale. Saw some mobile homes for sale, but that’s all. The major club house was very nice and they put a cover over the outdoor pool so it can be used in the winter. We could not get into the clubhouse in the RV section as you need a fob to get in, but it did not look like anything was going on there when we went. All in all, I was not very impressed with the facility.
We keep looking for a place where we might want to put down roots some day, but so far have not found it. The farther east we drive, the more Jim wants to go back west. The people are nicer, and it’s not as crowded.
Stock market has been fluctuating quite a bit throughout 2018 and we lost most of the money we made since getting into it back in December 2016. So I decided to get out of it again before we lose too much. Today I bought some CDs – two for me and one for Jim. I got one five year and one six month for me and one six month for Jim. I will probably roll them over once the six months is over, so will keep an eye on them. They stock market went down again today – over 600 points, so I don’t feel bad about getting out.
January 24, 2019. Oh boy, have not written for a while, and when I said I should make an entry every day. Geez.
We left Styx River on January 6 heading east. I tried to get us into two parks that I was familiar with but both said they did not have any openings. I think the hurricane that hit the Florida panhandle caused those people to move closer to I-10. I finally found site at Alliance RV Park, a small over 55 park; very quiet and clean. It was very nice.
From there we headed to Suwanee River Rondevoux where we have stayed before. The Suwanee River was quiet high and everything by the river was flooded. We just stayed one here as well.
January 8 we arrived at an Encore Park called Winter Garden in Florida. They put us in a very tight corner spot but at least we were only staying two days. They had a small dog park and I took the girls in there once and the next day Hayley had diarrhea. I decided not to take them back into the dog park, so I walked down the street and found a county park where I let them loose for a short time in the morning.
After leaving Winter Garden we went to Peace River Thousand Trails in Wauchula, Florida. However, upon arriving there we were told there were no FHU or W/E sites open and that we would have to boondock for the night and then come back to the office to see if any sites opened up. I did not like that option, so decided not to stay there. I knew there was an Escapees SKP park close by so I called them and luckily they had a site open for the week. We went there from January 10-17. This as a great park and the people were very friendly. They always wanted us to join in the activities and said to come back. The only thing I did not like was there was no place to let the dogs loose. I had to walk around the park and in certain areas.
Bill came down to visit us on Saturday as Julie had to fly to Conn. b/c Amy’s husband died suddenly, and Lisa was having her bachelorette party at their house that weekend. We went to see Solomon’s Castle, had lunch and toured the castle. Quite interesting. Jim discovered an Avion sitting in the storage area which they park was trying to get rid of. Another person was supposed to have purchased it, but they never came and got it. They were only asking $1000 for the trailer. By Monday the trailer was still sitting there and Bill wanted to buy it. He left the money with us to settle the deal, so after shopping we went to Avon Lake to pay for the trailer and pick up the title. Bill was already on his way down (a 2 hour drive) and picked up the trailer Monday afternoon. He had to stop in Avon Park to buy 4 new tires, and then took it home. He is selling the trailer to their friend April.
January 17 we left the Escapees park and drove to another Encore Park, Sunshine Travel, where we have stayed before. We like this park as it has a huge dog park, even though I don’t use it. I just take the dogs to the storage area and let them loose there for a little while, then walked around the park. One day Jim & I rode our bikes to Fellsmere Trailhead where they have a bike trail that goes along the old railroad trail from Fellsmere to Sebastian. I took the dogs there one day and let them loose in one area as it was only .8 mile to walk there.
January 24 we were supposed to go to Bill & Julie’s back yard but a huge storm is coming through so I have asked the office if we can stay an extra day.
February 3, 2019. Went to Bill & Julie’s house on July 24 for a week. Pulled in closer to the bushes so I could get the awning out to dry. Would have liked to get under the barn but Julie’s golf cart is there as well as another old golf cart and tools. Bill is turning the cement shed into a small cottage that he wants to rent out to winter residents. He has been renting out the bigger cottage next to the house every winter so far to Bob & Sue who drive down from the upper part of Minnesota.
Had dinner with them Thursday night and Bob & Sue and Jay & Debby came as well. They are all trying to eat healthier and forgo dessert, even though Sue brought a huge cheesecake. We did have that though.
On Friday the 25th we all drove to the Kennedy Space Center as Sue was able to get us half price tickets. That was a long day so I took the dogs and was able to walk them just before lunch. We had a nice time there with everyone.
Went out to lunch and dinners as well during the week. Bill & Julie drove down to North Palm Beach on Sunday as it was their granddaughter Juliann’s birthday. We were going to drive down but it stormed heavy and rained all night and I did not want to drive 1-1/2 hours back in the dark, so we did not go. They brought back Hannah and Juliann with them on Monday for the week.
Jim helped Bill with the new cottage in the mornings and I was able to cut my plates for underneath the Award from the fiberboard that we used two years ago. Now I have to wash underneath, let it dry and put on the new plates.
The City of Sebastian is still a small, homey town with a nice park at the end of Indian River Drive and bike trail. There are a few museums in the area and all the stores you look for in a city.
We left on January 31 heading to Orlando Thousand Trails where we will be for two weeks.
On Friday, February 2 we went to visit Fantasy of Flight Museum. We got there in time for a tour guide talking about the airplanes, which lasted about an hour. I took pictures and will do blog entry about the planes.
We are trying to do more activities here at the campground. Attended a “flea market bingo” the other day, trying to get rid of things. But the only trouble is, when you win you have to take something.
We are also going to join in the Shuffleboard and Line Dance activities, actually Jim will do Shuffleboard and I will do the Line Dance.
Sunday February 3 is Super Bowl Sunday, so I am not sure if we will do anything today.
February 10, 2019. We had planned on going bike riding with Jacklyn at Lake Louisa State Park, but the day dawned misty and rainy and did not clear out until very late that afternoon. So instead of riding, we drove to Lakeland and had lunch with her. That was very nice and we had a good time. She brought some of Joe’s blazers for Jim to try on so he could wear his black pants to the wedding, but the one we brought home just does not fit around his belly and is not really his style.
February 15, 2019. Left Orlando Thousand Trails Thursday February 14 (Valentine’s Day) to go to Bee’s RV Resort, about 20 north. Had to leave the Thousand Trails as they only allow 2 weeks during the busy winter season. We will be here until Monday when we head to Sertoma Youth Ranch for the Tin Can Tourists Rally. We are not supposed to check into Sertoma until 1pm on Monday.
Today we are doing to go to Goodwill and see if they have a blazer and shirt for Jim to wear to the wedding.
Saturday we will attend Lisa & Justin’s wedding. Josh is flying in this afternoon and will stay with Jacklyn & Joe.
February 17, 2019. The wedding was really great. It was nice to see Josh and Bill was really happy he flew in for the wedding. Lisa looked beautiful and really, really happy. I am glad she and Justin found each other. I will be doing a blog on the wedding when I get all the pictures.
February 24, 2019. Monday the 18th we drove to Sertoma Youth Ranch for the TCT Rally. There was stuff going on from Tuesday through Sunday morning. Open House was on Saturday and drew quite a crowd. We decided not to open up our trailer, but some people did stop by to look at it. We tried to sell our Petromax (with no luck) so Jim sat at the trailer instead of walking around. Bill brought Jack Culp’s refurbished trailer and April drove up and stayed in it. Jacklyn drove up Thursday afternoon and spent the night; Friday morning we went to some thrift stores and had lunch out.
February 27, 2019. Jenanne and Tom are camp hosts here at EG Simmons and she pulled some strings and was able to get us into EG Simmons on Sunday, which they paid for so we would have a site. Then on Monday I went up and paid for the rest of the week. It is great being able to finally meet her; she is a hoot and she and Tom seem to get along great. They have a huge motorhome with slides – just like a small apartment. We have spent a little bit of time together; happy hour and mornings talking. They work Thursday to Sunday, so Wednesday we are driving with them downtown to the Tampa Bay History Center.
Had dinner with Jacklyn and some of her besties on Sunday night and will see her again tonight at 4Stacks Brewing and hopefully a sunset boat ride Thursday evening. Joe will be back in town late tonight and be home for the weekend. Friday night Jacklyn has a workout, and on Saturday will go to the Dragon Fest with her.
I found a pair of frames at Walmart when we went on Monday and liked them so much that I bought them on the spot. I was going to wait until we got to Sebastian to put in the prescription, but decided to drive back on Tuesday to give them the prescription and start the order. They will ship them to the Sebastian Walmart next week so I can pick them up.
March 8, 2019. Spent time with Jacklyn during the week we were at EG Simmons as well as Tom and Jenanne. Joe did not come back into town early enough for the boat ride and we did not even see him at all. Seems he had meetings Friday night and a charity event all day Saturday. Friday night we went to Jacklyn’s Apogee Cross Fit where she had a meet that she was participating in. Saturday we went to the Dragon Boat Races and watched that for a little while. After that we went back to Jacklyn’s place, and she and Jenna along with Jim & I took a ride in her golf cart to Circles for lunch.
Sunday March 3 we left Apollo Beach and drove to Bill & Julie’s house, getting here just as they were about to pull out and head to WPB. But that was OK; we just hung out. Monday was our normal shopping; Tuesday went to Home Depot and bought supplies so I could finish putting the fiberglass paneling under the trailer. Tuesday afternoon I cut the pieces that I was going to put under the trailer. Wednesday was cold so we decided to go to the Navy Seal Museum in Fort Pierce.
I started thinking about putting things on You Tube as everyone keeps saying that I should. So I started looking into it to figure out how to put my pictures on You Tube. I eventually figured it out and so far put Arches NP and the TCT Rally onto You Tube. I am going to have to figure out how to get the You Tube movies from the National Parks into my Blog and website.
Thursday I put the paneling under the bed and on the rest of the places on either side of the trailer. I had a tiny bit left over. Friday I caulked everything under there, so now we won’t have to worry about any more delamination.
Friday afternoon we went for a boat ride with Bill & Julie to one of her favorite islands for lunch. Bill bought some chicken, ceasar salad fixings and some fruit. It was very good and a nice boat ride. Then we hopped into the golf cart and went to the Tiki Bar for dinner and cocktails. Julie talked about driving over to the ocean Saturday afternoon so we could do some metal detecting and then heading to the restaurant where Debbie works, but by the time we got back from our boat ride, there was not time to go. Maybe one day….
March 12, 2019. Jacklyn came to visit Friday night and stayed for the weekend. Saturday morning was breakfast, then close to noon Julie & Jacklyn jumped into the golf cart and were gone for a couple of hours, so our trip to the ocean did not happen. Lunch was late afternoon, then we jump into the pontoon boat for a gentle ride over to the island where Jacklyn found some goodies for her plants, then they decided to travel up river to a restaurant where we had cocktails and snacks before heading back to the house. The girls played corn hole – Jacklyn & me against Julie & April. The first time I got up to play I got 3 holes – miraculous. That did not happen again.
April and her grandmother had come Saturday morning, so April came on the boat ride, but her grandmother did not.
Sunday morning (10th) was breakfast again which Bill cooked both days. Jacklyn left about noon as she had a painting session at 3pm where she was painting Pickles. Bill & Julie left in the afternoon to West Palm Beach, and then April & her grandmother left, leaving Jim & I there for the evening. We headed out Monday afternoon to Ormond Beach for the night and our next stop will be Walkabout RV Park in Georgia.
March 20, 2019. We stayed at Walkabout for a few days and visited Okefenokee Swamp. Did not take the boat tour as a big tour bus came in just as we were leaving the visitor center and the area was crowded. So we decided to take the driving tour and by the time we got back, ate lunch, the next boat tour was leaving an hour later. So, we decided to just head back to the campground.
Next day we went to the Submarine Museum in St. Marys then had lunch with Jennifer Cody, who I used to work with at Shapiro Fussell. We had a great lunch and it was really nice seeing her again. We then went to the Cumberland Island Visitor Center.
From there we drove to The Oaks Thousand Trails in Yemassee, South Carolina. We were going to meet Jake Forbes for the St. Patricks Day Parade in Savannah, but Jim decided he did not want to deal with crowds so we did not go. Next day, Sunday, we went to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum and then met Jake for lunch.
Our next stop was outside of Charleston, South Carolina. We drove into Charleston the day we got here and drove down to the Battery. We were going to park and walk around but Jim had a mishap and we ended up heading back to the trailer. Next day we went down to the market, had lunch at Henlys, and walked through the Market. Jim found himself a Panama hat, which he has been wanting since his old one got ruined.
We also found unique museum where they make plastic kazoos, the Kazoo Museum. It is a small building with a museum on the history of kazoos, a short film on kazoos, a tour of the building facility and then we were able to build our own kazoos. It was a lot of fun.
Joe said he was going to be here in Charleston on Friday and I mentioned to him about getting together on Saturday. We are going to see the Hunley on Saturday as well, so I hope we can meet up with him.
March 25, 2019. Joe never made it to Charleston while we were there, but we did go see the H.L. Hunley on Saturday. That was quite interesting, and we spent all afternoon there looking at the displays and reading about the history of the Hunley.
Sunday while getting ready to leave I looked at the trailer tires again, specifically the curb side and mentioned to Jim that I thought we needed new tires, especially since now I noticed steel showing. So I immediately got on the computer and started looking for a place for us to get tires. I found NTB had RV tires, so we packed up and headed to NTB. While there and discussing when they could get to us, we were initially told it would be late in the day. I mentioned that I would like to be out of there by 3 as we were headed to Myrtle Beach. Luckily there was a gentleman there with an appointment for them to work on his boat trailer and he said for us to take his spot as he had to leave and would not be back until late Monday. So finally about 3 they got to us and we were out of there about 4:30. We drove straight to Myrtle Beach, getting here about 6:30pm. At least it was still light and we were able to set up OK.
Our site would have fit the trailer & truck with no problem, but they put us in a site where there was a tree in the way of putting out the awning, so we could not back up as far as we could have. Also, there were ants all over the place and I had to get out the Diamataeous earth to put on the ants. In addition, the sewer hose goes uphill. When I checked in, I did mention all of this to the staff. We were told we could not park on the “patio” and had to park parallel to the trailer, but stay off the grass. Well, the main area where we parked the trailer was not wide enough for the truck to stay off the grass, so of course the front tires are on the grass. I wonder if we will get told about that like we did about parking on the “patio” concrete.
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