November 21, 2013. Been a while since I made an entry. We have been pretty busy between work, sleeping and getting chores done. Been working a 10 hour shift for about 4 weeks now, with some VTO thrown in. Thursday we try to get some sleep, then relax for the rest of the day; Friday is chore day - shopping and laundry; Saturday is clean the trailer day and more rest. Try to sleep in on Sunday because that is when we go back to work and stay up all night.
The park is great for walking the dogs. There is a huge tent area next to a walking trail where I can let them loose, as well as a picnic area at the other end of the park where I can let them loose as well. They have a blast in the high grass searching for critters.
There are some very unusual rigs here - people camp in whatever they can. Behind us is Jeff & Tracy, 20/30 somethings pregnant with their first child, living in a converted school bus and driving an old VW bus. Reminds Jim & me of us way back when, but they are really cool and nice - level headed. Tracy is a biologist and spent 8 months on the Berring Sea keeping track of what the fisherman brought in. Jeff is a musician; has tattoos all over his arms and has had a real hard life. Has a disease that caused numerous tumors all over the inside of his body where he had to have part of one leg amputated and still lives with them in this body. He is having his 30th birthday soon and is very glad to still be here.
Next to him is Alex, another 30 something living in a pop up and enjoying life, and rock climbing on his days off. Next to him is Earl & NoraJean, who do re-enactments. Earl's hair is long and he wears old timey re-enactment clothing a lot. Very nice couple.
There are also a few families living here, bringing their children along on their journeys. One family lives in a converted school bus with a popup built onto the top. I will be posting pictures of all of these rigs soon. It's facsinating to see what people travel in.
We also met Dan & Jonell, who are not even in their 50's with no children who have decided to travel and see the country. Dan was a math teacher and Jonell a nurse, but retired early and are now traveling. I hope we will be able to meet up with them in the future.
We also met up with Terry & Evelyn who we workamped with our first time out and who got us into Amazon. We see them a few times a year - in Alabama and then again here - and consider them RVing friends.
December 15, 2013. We had an interview with a reporter from the AP on Thursday (12/12). He contacted the park and asked if there were couples/families here that he could interview. He showed up Thursday (luckily it was after noon and we had just gotten up). Jim talked with him while I walked the dogs. They were still talking when I returned, so I talked with him for a bit too.
We are down to the home stretch now with Amazon. We have next week of five days and possibly the 22nd & 23rd (Sunday & Monday) and then we are DONE!! From here we will go to Stone Mountain and spend about 2 weeks there. On January 4, 2014 we are going to North Shore RV Park, one of the Ocean Canyon properties in middle Georgia for a week and then head to Crystal River, Florida to a park where we will meet up with Bill & Julie for the week. I am really looking forward to the 70+ degree weather down there.
December 22, 2013. We finished at Amazon on Thursday, December 19. Friday we visited with Terry & Evelyn, did laundry and grocery shopping. Friday night Jim had our last campfire and a few of our fellow Amazonians came by to enjoy the fire and say goodbye. Some were still going to work Saturday and others were done but staying for a few more days. It was real hard to say goodbye to everyone; we made some good friends and are sad to part from them. Hope we will be able to cross paths again. Got everyone's contact info and I am thinking of starting a FB website that just pertains to the people we meet on the road - it needs to be a "like" website and not one where you have to be "friends". Working on that.
On one of our day's off we headed to the General George Patton Museum in Fort Knox, Kentucky. That was a pretty neat museum.
We left Campbellsville on Saturday and made it to Crossville, Tennessee. We were only going to spend one night but Sunday when we were ready to depart, the truck went about two feet forward then died. It tried to turn over but would not start. Not the battery or starter - maybe computer related. Called Good Sam Roadside Assistance and they dispatched a mobile mechanic, who usually works on diesels but has been a mechanic all of his life and now works for the mobile company. He worked on the truck for over two hours and finally figured out what was wrong with the truck but was not able to fix it. He isolated the problem to the wiring harness - a compilation of small wires that looks like a rat's nest - very complicated, but the wiring that leads to the shut off for the fuel pump from the wiring harness is where the problem is.
We will be heading to Stone Mountain on Monday now and will be there until January 4, 2014, when we will head to an RV Resort in mid-Georgia.
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The park is great for walking the dogs. There is a huge tent area next to a walking trail where I can let them loose, as well as a picnic area at the other end of the park where I can let them loose as well. They have a blast in the high grass searching for critters.
There are some very unusual rigs here - people camp in whatever they can. Behind us is Jeff & Tracy, 20/30 somethings pregnant with their first child, living in a converted school bus and driving an old VW bus. Reminds Jim & me of us way back when, but they are really cool and nice - level headed. Tracy is a biologist and spent 8 months on the Berring Sea keeping track of what the fisherman brought in. Jeff is a musician; has tattoos all over his arms and has had a real hard life. Has a disease that caused numerous tumors all over the inside of his body where he had to have part of one leg amputated and still lives with them in this body. He is having his 30th birthday soon and is very glad to still be here.
Next to him is Alex, another 30 something living in a pop up and enjoying life, and rock climbing on his days off. Next to him is Earl & NoraJean, who do re-enactments. Earl's hair is long and he wears old timey re-enactment clothing a lot. Very nice couple.
There are also a few families living here, bringing their children along on their journeys. One family lives in a converted school bus with a popup built onto the top. I will be posting pictures of all of these rigs soon. It's facsinating to see what people travel in.
We also met Dan & Jonell, who are not even in their 50's with no children who have decided to travel and see the country. Dan was a math teacher and Jonell a nurse, but retired early and are now traveling. I hope we will be able to meet up with them in the future.
We also met up with Terry & Evelyn who we workamped with our first time out and who got us into Amazon. We see them a few times a year - in Alabama and then again here - and consider them RVing friends.
December 15, 2013. We had an interview with a reporter from the AP on Thursday (12/12). He contacted the park and asked if there were couples/families here that he could interview. He showed up Thursday (luckily it was after noon and we had just gotten up). Jim talked with him while I walked the dogs. They were still talking when I returned, so I talked with him for a bit too.
We are down to the home stretch now with Amazon. We have next week of five days and possibly the 22nd & 23rd (Sunday & Monday) and then we are DONE!! From here we will go to Stone Mountain and spend about 2 weeks there. On January 4, 2014 we are going to North Shore RV Park, one of the Ocean Canyon properties in middle Georgia for a week and then head to Crystal River, Florida to a park where we will meet up with Bill & Julie for the week. I am really looking forward to the 70+ degree weather down there.
December 22, 2013. We finished at Amazon on Thursday, December 19. Friday we visited with Terry & Evelyn, did laundry and grocery shopping. Friday night Jim had our last campfire and a few of our fellow Amazonians came by to enjoy the fire and say goodbye. Some were still going to work Saturday and others were done but staying for a few more days. It was real hard to say goodbye to everyone; we made some good friends and are sad to part from them. Hope we will be able to cross paths again. Got everyone's contact info and I am thinking of starting a FB website that just pertains to the people we meet on the road - it needs to be a "like" website and not one where you have to be "friends". Working on that.
On one of our day's off we headed to the General George Patton Museum in Fort Knox, Kentucky. That was a pretty neat museum.
We left Campbellsville on Saturday and made it to Crossville, Tennessee. We were only going to spend one night but Sunday when we were ready to depart, the truck went about two feet forward then died. It tried to turn over but would not start. Not the battery or starter - maybe computer related. Called Good Sam Roadside Assistance and they dispatched a mobile mechanic, who usually works on diesels but has been a mechanic all of his life and now works for the mobile company. He worked on the truck for over two hours and finally figured out what was wrong with the truck but was not able to fix it. He isolated the problem to the wiring harness - a compilation of small wires that looks like a rat's nest - very complicated, but the wiring that leads to the shut off for the fuel pump from the wiring harness is where the problem is.
We will be heading to Stone Mountain on Monday now and will be there until January 4, 2014, when we will head to an RV Resort in mid-Georgia.
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Go Forward to Daily Journal 2014