October 24, 2017. We arrived at Tres Rios on October 1 and stayed there for our first three weeks. We are here to get Jim cataract surgery and a physical to renew his high blood pressure medication. The eye doctor appointments are working out good, but the doctor so far has not approved him for the cataract surgery due to Jim’s blood pressure being so high. He put Jim on a third blood pressure medication, and Jim quite drinking and started riding his Trike more around the park. But, taking his pressure it still goes up and down – there is no norm.
I also had another eye examination and a new prescription. Found out that I have a slight cataract growing in my left eye, and items look fuzzy when looking in the distance. New glasses were done at Walmart.
Jim’s blood pressure medication was bought at Walmart as that is our Part D drug store and it only cost us about $30 for the three drugs. That is a lot cheaper than we were paying at Walgreens.
I also had doctor’s appointment to get a check up, mammogram, and pap test. We both went to LabCorp for blood tests, but those won’t be available to us until later this week.
On our week out from Tres Rios we went to Lake Whitney Thousand Trails instead of the Coast to Coast that most of them go to. The TT is OK, much like the others. Lots of open land, adult center, laundry, pool, nice putt putt course, shuffleboard. There is also a nice basketball court and tennis court. The only bad thing is that WiFi sucks and is very hard to get. Even the Jet Pack does not work all the time.
We went to check out Sun Country, the Coast resort. It was quite open, not a lot of people there but lots of full time residents. The clubhouse was a small building with tables, kitchen, and TV. The mini golf was a joke, as were the horseshoes.
October 28, 2017. Jim had another doctor appointment with Dr. Barnes on Wednesday and one with the eye doctor. Dr. Barnes approved his cataract surgery and we discovered that the blood pressure machine Jim has been using does not give an accurate pressure reading and suggested we get a real one. Jim’s pressure was low and within normal range. He has also cut way down on his drinking and is losing weight and hopefully his liver enzymes will fall into the normal range. The doctor put down that he may have hepatitis, but that is not confirmed. He has a sonogram in a couple of weeks to have his liver looked at, and then we have to return to the lab at the end of November for another lab test, then see Dr. Barnes at the end of December.
November 4, 2017. Jim’s cataract surgery on Oct. 31 was a success. We saw the doctor the day after and she was very pleased with the result. We are putting three types of drops in his eyes every day, and his next appointment is Wednesday, Nov. 8. At that appointment we will discuss getting his other eye done. Right now he is trying to figure out if he likes not wearing any glasses or his prescriptions with the one lens removed.
I had a doctor appointment again and got my pap and went over my blood tests. My thyroid is a little high so I got a prescription to see if it will regulate. My cholesterol is on the high side – over 200 – but that may be due to my thyroid. I will be taking the pills for 2 months and then get another blood test and see the doctor the first week of January.
So, it looks like we will be staying in Glen Rose for a few months, and hopefully be able to head out the middle of January.
November 10, 2017. Jim’s Nov. 8 eye appointment was good. The doctor was very pleased with how good his eye is doing. We were able to schedule the surgery on his right eye for Dec. 12. Monday he has a sonogram to check his liver as well as a consultation with an orthopedic doctor to look at his hands and give us his opinion about them.
I have scheduled my bone density scan and mammogram for December 7. At the end of November Jim goes back to the eye doctor for her to look at his left eye again. Drops need to be put in his eye for 2-3 weeks after surgery, I guess to make sure his body accepts the implant.
He has been doing very good with not drinking like he did before. It took him over three weeks to go through the bottle of whisky as well as his box of wine. He’s been drinking a lot of water and exercising on his trike.
It rained all day Wednesday Nov. 8, and the space we were in completely flooded and turned into a muddy lake. It was still very muddy on Thursday so we decided to move out of that space and moved forward. The grass in this spot is nice with no mud. It’s a bit smaller but at least I hope it will be dry if it rains again. The weather says that it may rain again Sunday into Monday.
November 14, 2017. Monday Jim had a sonogram of his entire abdominal region. We thought he was just going in to get his liver looked at but they took pictures of everything from his liver to kidneys. He also had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to talk about his hands and the Dupuytren’s contracture. The doctor suggested he wait for another year at least and see how his hands progress and if they get worse. They confirmed that Medicare will pay for the surgery, so we’ll see what we will be doing next year.
Sunday we leave here with one stop before we get to Green Caye in Dickinson for the week. We will be there Thanksgiving week and get back here Nov. 28, the day before my birthday. Then on my birthday Jim has his last eye appointment for his left eye, and also has to get blood work regarding his prostate. The doctor says that if it does not go up and just stays the same there is nothing to worry about.
I think he will see the doctor in January before we hit the road again. Our last three weeks is up the middle of January, and then I think we will head to south Texas, maybe to Big Bend National Park, or the Rio Grande Valley, or both.
November 15, 2017. Received a telephone call from Dr. Barnes’ office regarding the results of Jim’s sonogram. Everything looks good – they said his liver just has one small fatty piece and a small cyst on his kidney. All in all, Dr. Barnes is very pleased with the results. Suggested Jim take 800mg of Vit E twice a day.
November 28, 2017. Day before my 66th birthday. We are now on our way back to Glen Rose and will be there until the middle of January.
We went to Houston for Thanksgiving week and stayed at Green Caye again. Had a real nice site along St. Kitts Calle (513), where all the cul de sacs are. We had a back in next to a fence, with one person on the street side but he was hardly there. Jacklyn & Joe flew in from Tampa and stayed for the week with Josh & Karen. We went over every afternoon to spend time with them, and had a great dinner. Josh did a great job with the turkey – it was moist and tasted great. There was lots of food. Their neighbor came over to eat dinner with us – the same family that babysat Lola while they were in Fredericksburg for their anniversary.
They came over one day to see Jim’s trike – he really wanted them to see it and ride it. So, Josh & Jacklyn both tried it; Ellie & Jason climbed onto Josh’s lap while he rode them around.
I showed them my bike upside down with the bent forks and I guess they decided that I needed a new bike. So the next day we went over there early in the afternoon and Josh & Jacklyn took me down to Bike Barn and told me to pick out a bike. I found an Electra bike that was colored Periwinkle and also got a basket to go with it. That was a great combo birthday/Christmas present from them.
Karen found a beautiful Tiffany style hanging lamp along the side of the street and Josh & Jim installed it Sunday afternoon. It looks really nice in the dining room; even matches the wall color. When Josh & Jim went to Ace Hardware to get light bulbs, Bike Barn is right next door so Jim went in and bought me a mirror and fender for the rear tire.
December 28, 2017. Since the end of November, Jim had his second cataract surgery in his right eye, and is now just wearing reading glasses for reading. He also had a colonoscopy again, as he had not had one for 10 years. This one turned out good – only one polup that the doctor removed and said he did not see anything wrong and come back and check in about 5 years.
I had my mammogram and bone density test. My mammo said I had dense breast tissue but did not see anything else. I don’t know about the bone density test – I need to call them and see what that is.
We have not done much for the past month; I did some work on the trailer putting Eternabond tape over the seams on the roof and glued up one end of the bottom of the trailer where the glue came loose.
Other than that, we played Vegas in the afternoons but no sightseeing.
We did have dinner with a couple Jim discovered who were going to work at the Cradleboard this summer. They wanted more info on our experience, so we had dinner with them to fill them in. I hope their experience with working there will be better than ours.
Over Christmas we drove down to Josh & Karen’s on Christmas Eve and then drove back to Glen Rose the day after. It is kind of difficult being there; it’s wonderful seeing everyone but the dogs are separated by a gate with ours in the dining room and kids’ playroom, which they did not like as they are not used to the kids’ noise and running around. Josh keeps the house cold – upstairs was only 66 and Ellie’s room is still not finished and the cold air came through the window and wall.
The weather is cold – high in the 40’s and low’s in the 30’s. New Year’s Eve will get down into the 20’s with some rain.
I’m starting to plan next year’s travel plans; need to decide where we are going to spend the rest of the winter before heading north for the summer.
December 31, 2017. The deep freeze came to Glen Rose. It started with freezing drizzle on December 30 and continued during the next day. New Year’s Eve high was in the 20’s. We tried to take the awning down and get some of the ice off, but it was frozen solid, so we put it back up. We needed to cut off the water so Jim filled up the tank and for showering hooked up the main water supply, then after both of us showered, he drained the hose and water filter again.
Tres Rios had a two person band at the Lodge, which we missed most of because we did not know they were only playing from 8-10 and we got there around 10 after watching a Clint Eastwood movie. But, we met a young couple there who sat across from us and we talked with until after midnight. Michael, husband, Stephanie, wife, and daughter Marie. Michael travels building communications towers all over the country; and also uses AT&T as he says they are the best and have the best coverage around the country. Said they are also the most expensive. They are not here much, but have a house in Waco and are just here for the weekend, and leaving January 1 to go back home. He was very nice and enjoyable to talk to, and wish we would have met them earlier.
The weather is not supposed to start warming up until Wednesday, so Jan. 1 we will be spending most of in the trailer staying warm and me working on our 2018 itinerary. My itinerary is taking us to south Texas and then west to Arizona.
Back to Daily Journal 2017
I also had another eye examination and a new prescription. Found out that I have a slight cataract growing in my left eye, and items look fuzzy when looking in the distance. New glasses were done at Walmart.
Jim’s blood pressure medication was bought at Walmart as that is our Part D drug store and it only cost us about $30 for the three drugs. That is a lot cheaper than we were paying at Walgreens.
I also had doctor’s appointment to get a check up, mammogram, and pap test. We both went to LabCorp for blood tests, but those won’t be available to us until later this week.
On our week out from Tres Rios we went to Lake Whitney Thousand Trails instead of the Coast to Coast that most of them go to. The TT is OK, much like the others. Lots of open land, adult center, laundry, pool, nice putt putt course, shuffleboard. There is also a nice basketball court and tennis court. The only bad thing is that WiFi sucks and is very hard to get. Even the Jet Pack does not work all the time.
We went to check out Sun Country, the Coast resort. It was quite open, not a lot of people there but lots of full time residents. The clubhouse was a small building with tables, kitchen, and TV. The mini golf was a joke, as were the horseshoes.
October 28, 2017. Jim had another doctor appointment with Dr. Barnes on Wednesday and one with the eye doctor. Dr. Barnes approved his cataract surgery and we discovered that the blood pressure machine Jim has been using does not give an accurate pressure reading and suggested we get a real one. Jim’s pressure was low and within normal range. He has also cut way down on his drinking and is losing weight and hopefully his liver enzymes will fall into the normal range. The doctor put down that he may have hepatitis, but that is not confirmed. He has a sonogram in a couple of weeks to have his liver looked at, and then we have to return to the lab at the end of November for another lab test, then see Dr. Barnes at the end of December.
November 4, 2017. Jim’s cataract surgery on Oct. 31 was a success. We saw the doctor the day after and she was very pleased with the result. We are putting three types of drops in his eyes every day, and his next appointment is Wednesday, Nov. 8. At that appointment we will discuss getting his other eye done. Right now he is trying to figure out if he likes not wearing any glasses or his prescriptions with the one lens removed.
I had a doctor appointment again and got my pap and went over my blood tests. My thyroid is a little high so I got a prescription to see if it will regulate. My cholesterol is on the high side – over 200 – but that may be due to my thyroid. I will be taking the pills for 2 months and then get another blood test and see the doctor the first week of January.
So, it looks like we will be staying in Glen Rose for a few months, and hopefully be able to head out the middle of January.
November 10, 2017. Jim’s Nov. 8 eye appointment was good. The doctor was very pleased with how good his eye is doing. We were able to schedule the surgery on his right eye for Dec. 12. Monday he has a sonogram to check his liver as well as a consultation with an orthopedic doctor to look at his hands and give us his opinion about them.
I have scheduled my bone density scan and mammogram for December 7. At the end of November Jim goes back to the eye doctor for her to look at his left eye again. Drops need to be put in his eye for 2-3 weeks after surgery, I guess to make sure his body accepts the implant.
He has been doing very good with not drinking like he did before. It took him over three weeks to go through the bottle of whisky as well as his box of wine. He’s been drinking a lot of water and exercising on his trike.
It rained all day Wednesday Nov. 8, and the space we were in completely flooded and turned into a muddy lake. It was still very muddy on Thursday so we decided to move out of that space and moved forward. The grass in this spot is nice with no mud. It’s a bit smaller but at least I hope it will be dry if it rains again. The weather says that it may rain again Sunday into Monday.
November 14, 2017. Monday Jim had a sonogram of his entire abdominal region. We thought he was just going in to get his liver looked at but they took pictures of everything from his liver to kidneys. He also had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to talk about his hands and the Dupuytren’s contracture. The doctor suggested he wait for another year at least and see how his hands progress and if they get worse. They confirmed that Medicare will pay for the surgery, so we’ll see what we will be doing next year.
Sunday we leave here with one stop before we get to Green Caye in Dickinson for the week. We will be there Thanksgiving week and get back here Nov. 28, the day before my birthday. Then on my birthday Jim has his last eye appointment for his left eye, and also has to get blood work regarding his prostate. The doctor says that if it does not go up and just stays the same there is nothing to worry about.
I think he will see the doctor in January before we hit the road again. Our last three weeks is up the middle of January, and then I think we will head to south Texas, maybe to Big Bend National Park, or the Rio Grande Valley, or both.
November 15, 2017. Received a telephone call from Dr. Barnes’ office regarding the results of Jim’s sonogram. Everything looks good – they said his liver just has one small fatty piece and a small cyst on his kidney. All in all, Dr. Barnes is very pleased with the results. Suggested Jim take 800mg of Vit E twice a day.
November 28, 2017. Day before my 66th birthday. We are now on our way back to Glen Rose and will be there until the middle of January.
We went to Houston for Thanksgiving week and stayed at Green Caye again. Had a real nice site along St. Kitts Calle (513), where all the cul de sacs are. We had a back in next to a fence, with one person on the street side but he was hardly there. Jacklyn & Joe flew in from Tampa and stayed for the week with Josh & Karen. We went over every afternoon to spend time with them, and had a great dinner. Josh did a great job with the turkey – it was moist and tasted great. There was lots of food. Their neighbor came over to eat dinner with us – the same family that babysat Lola while they were in Fredericksburg for their anniversary.
They came over one day to see Jim’s trike – he really wanted them to see it and ride it. So, Josh & Jacklyn both tried it; Ellie & Jason climbed onto Josh’s lap while he rode them around.
I showed them my bike upside down with the bent forks and I guess they decided that I needed a new bike. So the next day we went over there early in the afternoon and Josh & Jacklyn took me down to Bike Barn and told me to pick out a bike. I found an Electra bike that was colored Periwinkle and also got a basket to go with it. That was a great combo birthday/Christmas present from them.
Karen found a beautiful Tiffany style hanging lamp along the side of the street and Josh & Jim installed it Sunday afternoon. It looks really nice in the dining room; even matches the wall color. When Josh & Jim went to Ace Hardware to get light bulbs, Bike Barn is right next door so Jim went in and bought me a mirror and fender for the rear tire.
December 28, 2017. Since the end of November, Jim had his second cataract surgery in his right eye, and is now just wearing reading glasses for reading. He also had a colonoscopy again, as he had not had one for 10 years. This one turned out good – only one polup that the doctor removed and said he did not see anything wrong and come back and check in about 5 years.
I had my mammogram and bone density test. My mammo said I had dense breast tissue but did not see anything else. I don’t know about the bone density test – I need to call them and see what that is.
We have not done much for the past month; I did some work on the trailer putting Eternabond tape over the seams on the roof and glued up one end of the bottom of the trailer where the glue came loose.
Other than that, we played Vegas in the afternoons but no sightseeing.
We did have dinner with a couple Jim discovered who were going to work at the Cradleboard this summer. They wanted more info on our experience, so we had dinner with them to fill them in. I hope their experience with working there will be better than ours.
Over Christmas we drove down to Josh & Karen’s on Christmas Eve and then drove back to Glen Rose the day after. It is kind of difficult being there; it’s wonderful seeing everyone but the dogs are separated by a gate with ours in the dining room and kids’ playroom, which they did not like as they are not used to the kids’ noise and running around. Josh keeps the house cold – upstairs was only 66 and Ellie’s room is still not finished and the cold air came through the window and wall.
The weather is cold – high in the 40’s and low’s in the 30’s. New Year’s Eve will get down into the 20’s with some rain.
I’m starting to plan next year’s travel plans; need to decide where we are going to spend the rest of the winter before heading north for the summer.
December 31, 2017. The deep freeze came to Glen Rose. It started with freezing drizzle on December 30 and continued during the next day. New Year’s Eve high was in the 20’s. We tried to take the awning down and get some of the ice off, but it was frozen solid, so we put it back up. We needed to cut off the water so Jim filled up the tank and for showering hooked up the main water supply, then after both of us showered, he drained the hose and water filter again.
Tres Rios had a two person band at the Lodge, which we missed most of because we did not know they were only playing from 8-10 and we got there around 10 after watching a Clint Eastwood movie. But, we met a young couple there who sat across from us and we talked with until after midnight. Michael, husband, Stephanie, wife, and daughter Marie. Michael travels building communications towers all over the country; and also uses AT&T as he says they are the best and have the best coverage around the country. Said they are also the most expensive. They are not here much, but have a house in Waco and are just here for the weekend, and leaving January 1 to go back home. He was very nice and enjoyable to talk to, and wish we would have met them earlier.
The weather is not supposed to start warming up until Wednesday, so Jan. 1 we will be spending most of in the trailer staying warm and me working on our 2018 itinerary. My itinerary is taking us to south Texas and then west to Arizona.
Back to Daily Journal 2017